Fair is fair: capital is what builds economies, capital wins wars, capital allows culture to form, capital makes resources available. And capital will go where it is best protected.
So a country that lets it's capital get destroyed is pretty much fucked.
This is the fundamental issue with most forms of communism, socialism and theocracy: they're perpetually short of capital.
Places like Northern Europe work very hard to simultaneously protect capital and human assets. And that's good. And we should emulate that. But all to often people try to down grade capital instead of upgrading people.
The places people so often think of as alternatives (Venezuela as a recent example) all too often fall for this error and doom themselves.
America is a Democracy or a Republic, not a "Capital-something". Capital is just a tool. A smart country reaches into its toolbox and chooses the best tool for the job. Extreme models; extreme capitalism, extreme free-market views, etc... will always get you into trouble. It pays to be agile.
Should we bail out GM? I don't want to, but if we do it won't crack my top 10 list of things the gov wasted money on over the last 20 years.
It's funny to think we have reached point in capitalism where there is too much capital. I wonder if there is any underserved actually profitable places to put it at least in the west...
Capitalism has resulted in us drowning in capital. This seems to me to be a statement about its success, not its failure(s). Would the alternative (scarce, expensive capital) be better?