I never asked to be an expert... I just state my opinion and folks can respond to it. Sometimes i'm right, many times I'm wrong.
I'm not your biggest fan, but can everybody piling on here read this and take it to heart? The best thing about the Internet is that you can say anything whenever you want and learn as you go. Just because Jason's more famous than you are doesn't mean he expects his words to be taken as canon, so if he apologizes for saying something and backtracks it's probably less slimy than it is genuine people-not-being-perfectly-consistent-always.
I notice people are piling on the downvotes right now, which is a shitty way to handle a debate. Even if you disagree with people, vote based on whether they're contributing to the conversation. When the guy who made Mahalo comes in, he's contributing something rare and unique and if you pound it into the dirt you're making us all look like immature jerks.
Why do people downmod Jason's post? Disagreeing is not a reason for downmodding. I was interested in his response, whatever it might be. I want to judge for myself.
I didn't downvote him because I disagreed with him, I downvoted him because of the unbelievable lack of tact in using this post to express that opinion.
But, that's just it! I think I'm polite. I have an opinion. If I don't see others making the point I have, I go ahead and make it. I'm happy to be challenged, I'll reply, and take corrections on the chin.
But that's not what's happening. I'm being downvoted (I think) because of the filtered consensus disagrees with my line of thought, not that I'm not following guidelines. Albeit, how could I follow guidelines they aren't even published! I had to create this post to, to get a link to another post where this is discussed!
'Everyone with a different opinion than me is ignorant and stupid, and the downvotes I'm getting are surely because they want to maintain their bubble and not because I'm being rude.'
You're an asshole and no one is sorry that you're gone.
I would honestly love to educate people here. But when the rabble come together to downvote you and dismiss what you're saying, the general perception from any reader is going to be that I'm wrong because so many people are disagreeing with me. Despite the fact that I'm literally an expert and they're not. So it's useless. (And just hurts my soul.)
A) It is not possible for me to downvote replies to me. The site does not offer that option. So, nope, I did not downvote you. (I wasn't even online. I didn't see this until just now.)
B) It isn't a backhanded apology. More like giving some balanced perspective on how I feel. I don't feel I owe any apologies for the things I have said. But I also don't want people here to think I have a super negative opinion of HN when I don't.
I think this guy downvoted for being rude, not necessarily for being wrong, although probably everyone who downvoted him thought he was wrong as well, when he was correct.
Fanboyism is discouraged, but so is being a dick. Frankly, I'd say being a dick is a much worse blight on the community than "fanboyism". You're acting like there's no possible way you could have made that point and not get downvoted for it, which is obviously incorrect. I agreed with the main point of "it doesn't matter if pg said it", and I'm at 11 for that comment right now.
You don't need the attitude to get your message across. In fact, I'd say attitude generally harms whatever point you were trying to make, because people will react with similar hostility/rudeness. Being blunt is acceptable. Saying "Why does it matter that pg said it? I think people put too much weight to his words. We're hackers, shouldn't we be against 'fanboyism'?" would have probably got you upvoted, and started a decent discussion. Being rude about it generally just starts flame wars.
As for the point value, I wouldn't be surprised if downvotes take off more karma than upvotes, especially after a certain point. The paranoid "fanboys are downvoting me!" mentality is ridiculous.
People downvoting: this guy is admitting to his ignorance and actively and constructively asking to be challenged on it. I don't think that's the kind of comment we want to downvote here, even if the tone makes you bristle.
I'm not your biggest fan, but can everybody piling on here read this and take it to heart? The best thing about the Internet is that you can say anything whenever you want and learn as you go. Just because Jason's more famous than you are doesn't mean he expects his words to be taken as canon, so if he apologizes for saying something and backtracks it's probably less slimy than it is genuine people-not-being-perfectly-consistent-always.
I notice people are piling on the downvotes right now, which is a shitty way to handle a debate. Even if you disagree with people, vote based on whether they're contributing to the conversation. When the guy who made Mahalo comes in, he's contributing something rare and unique and if you pound it into the dirt you're making us all look like immature jerks.