Personal attacks aren't allowed on HN, let alone ones as disgusting as this. You also have a history of posting uncivil comments to HN. Normally those two things would mean we'd ban you, but because your comments have been substantive and (mostly) civil lately, we won't. But please don't do it again.
Personal attacks are not allowed on HN. We ban accounts that do this, so please don't do it again.
Unfortunately, your comment history has plenty of uncivil and unsubstantive comments. It also has some really good ones, so we aren't banning you, but if you keep doing this, we'll have to, so please fix it.
Would you mind not taking HN threads straight into political flamewar? The mess you set off is totally not in the spirit of this site, and the problems can be traced back to how you posted. Comments on HN need to get more civil and substantive, not less, as the topic gets more divisive.
This post breaks the HN guidelines. Personal attacks, as well as political and national (or whatever this) flamewar, will get you banned here. Please review and don't post like this to HN.
Flamewar comments like this are not ok here. Personal attacks are particularly unwelcome. I realize emotions are understandably high, but you can't post like this to HN and we ban accounts that keep doing it, so please don't do it.
Personal attacks and name-calling are not allowed on HN, regardless of how bad another comment is. We ban accounts that do this. Please read the site guidelines and post civilly and substantively, or not at all.
Would you please stop taking HN threads further into flamewar? Discussion quality takes a sharp step down with posts like this. Please make your substantive points without doing that.
We detached this subthread from and marked it off-topic.