I agree that the data isn't particularly secret, but I also agree that there doesn't seem to be any possible public good served by leaking this information.
The database contents are a secret. There are no news articles about it. However, I do know for a fact the database has serious problems (I'm not speculating).
No. I won't post it publicly. It's not a state secret, and can be figured out, by looking through my links, but it's easier to simply email me, and I'll send it.
It's the kind of thing that is best left relatively "uncredited," and is important only to a certain demographic; but within that demographic, it is very, very important.
You don't know that. While the publicly available data leaks are indeed rare, you cannot know if they don't use the data for trading or other purposes for their personal gain without disclosing it to the public.
This information is useless. It leaks nothing but name and existence of something once public (that vanished from public view).
Most importantly it's not confidential or critical in any way
What a joke. Secret it seems. I thought it leaked some database secrets. It showed the context which anyone who spent few hours reading how it’s setup will be able to get it out.