I used redux for a year before switching to mobx (which I've now used for more than a year). It is easier, faster, simpler, and scales better in my experience. I can't recommend it enough.
I can't? agree more. After using both there is no question that, for me, mobx is better. It is more intuitive and has much less boilerplate code. I've tried to understand why redux is chosen over mobx in some projects, and at this stage I feel it is mainly just momentum and visibility/marketing.
I went from Redux to MobX in one of my recent projects and it was a breath of fresh air. It's so much easier to work with, and more performant in my situation, too.
Mobx and Redux have slightly different use cases, IMO. I prefer Redux for larger projects and Mobx for smaller ones, though I've only used Redux in production so far.
Mobx makes many tasks much easier and pragmatic. Redux is more on rhe immutable no side-effects site but will need more boilerplate for even small things.
You'll probably get tons of people pitching their favorite tech, but I was recently doing the same thing and Redux just wasn't clicking for me. I think MobX is way more intuitive and it's also quite stable. Worth taking a look if you don't like Redux
I agree 100%, MobX is like a full order of magnitude performance upgrade for me over redux.
You can just think of it as "automatix redux + reselect".
People think they use redux for immutability but in my experience most people just use it for updating the view when the store changes and end up with a lot of denormalization and stale state.
With redux you derive as much state as possible which is great.