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Consider Phlebas is one of the few books I have read more than once. The Culture series is unparalleled. Surface Detail is probably my pick for #1, as Consider Phlebas isn't really set within the Culture proper, so stands in its own category in a sense.

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Maybe you can advise me. I read Consider Phlebas, and I didn't like it at all. I rarely like war fiction.

Is Phlebas typical of the whole Culture series, or are the other books a different kind of story?

Thank you.

I really like Consider Phlebas; but it is a sprawling novel which doesn't actually focus that much on the Culture and more on its tortured protagonist. Use of Weapons is similar, a very similar story to CP in fact. (EDIT: but more focused and less sprawling)

Look to Windward is a bit slow paced, but shorter than CP, and has a lot more about the Culture, and it has got a more nuanced emotional tone? It's a very well written novel, and the characters are ones you find sympathy with. It's the first Culture novel I read, and it got me into the series.

Excession is the weirdest in the series, written a lot from the POV of some ships, in a very weird style meant to sort of capture the inside of their thought processes. But it's good in its own way, if you can get into it.

Thanks for this - I read Consider Phlebas and was very underwhelmed by it. Just now I struggled to remember much of the plot even though I read it less than a year ago. I'll check out some of your other recommendations.

I'd start with Consider Phlebas. It's the most space-opeartic work of the series and although it's a somewhat early description of the culture, it pulls off a unique trick of describing the main protagonists of the series from the point of view of a sworn enemy (who is also a very likeable hero).

The other books suggested here, Player of Games and Excession are also quite good, but nothing beats Phlebas for sheer energy.

Well, opinion anyway!

P.S. The State of the Art, a collection of short stories with a few Culture ones (including the namesake) is also a good introduction to some of the themes and ideas in the later novels.

Vernor Vinge: A Deepness in the Sky and A Fire Upon the Deep.

Iain M. Banks: Consider Phlebas (and then spend the following months reading all the rest of the Culture series)

If you bounce off of Consider Phlebas, try Player of Games. I think it's an easier place to start the Culture novels.

Thanks! I've been meaning to read those for a while. I'll start with "Consider Phlebas".

I think this is the common take on culture novels. Most recommendations I see for reading order start with something other than Consider Phlebas. Player of Games and Use of Weapons tends to be more recommended as a first book. I adored Player of Games because the whole concept is so different than most sci-fi I've encountered. And it really examines what it means to be a citizen of The Culture.

Try Excession. I agree "Consider Phlebas" may not be the best one to start with if you're not familiar with The Culture already, and even then it may be a bit hard to get through.

Thanks a lot for your list. I only knew about The Culture series. I will try to check out all of them ;-)

agreed re: consider phlebas. i'd agree with your choice of starting points -- player of games is probably the best way to understand what the culture is in contrast with other cultures in one book. definitely leave inversions for after you've read three other books, imo, as it's quite subtle.

I started on 'Consider Phlebas', the first book in the series. I recommend starting with that, it's a great book, perhaps not as accessible as 'Player of Games', but more wow-factor.

I'll second the recommendation for The Culture series, and add "A Fire Upon The Deep" by Vernor Vinge.

I know I'm late but just wanted to say thanks, I've seen some of the film adaptations of PKD but hardly read any of them, will check them all out.

Likewise the rest I really appreciate the recommendations, think I'm going to start with Phlebas!

Edit1 - I don't know how I've managed to never hear about the Culture series before!

Edit 2 - Dropping this on the infinitesimally small chance someone will know, I read a book forever ago about a girl being raised and trained by her father to sit court, as an assassin, and was trained to think about multiple completely separate things/strategies at a time. I remember it blowing my very young mind, but I was so young I remember no other details. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I've read in a Amazon review that it is recommended to start with Consider Phlebas, then The Player of Games and finally Use of Weapons (as a first start into the Culture, that is).

I've bought them three myself and will read them in this order.

I agree, but the downside is that you'll be spoilt for most of the rest of the genre, because little else measures up. Perhaps read everything else first.

Amazon Prime currently has an adaptation of Consider Phlebas in the pipeline, something I have very mixed feelings about.

"Player of Games" is also a good starting point, it has some of the clearest narrative structure of any of the Culture novels. And from what I can remember, it's a little less dark than Phlebas, to ease you into the depths of Banks' mind.

Start with Consider Phlebas. It's the easiest to start with, but also not completely representative of what the series ends up being. I highly recommend Banks.

Which Banks book should I start with? I was going to start with the Player of Games after your comment, but it turns out it's part of a series, and Consider Phlebas is the first one. Does it matter?

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