Why would you code in Javascript on the JVM to begin with if you have existing projects and libraries written in java ? that's stupid. If the goal is async IO there is Vert.x and other non blocking servers already. Not even talking about cases when libs require C++ extensions... Can you code in Java on Nodyn? no
EDIT : seems to be built upon Vert.x ? you can already code in javascript with Vert.x
We helped test out the RI and TCK - it was in the end up built for Java EE in mind (that's not to say someone couldn't provide a stripped down version that could work for SE - but I don't think anyone has or will).
Do you know of any public examples of how this sort of Java looks? I imagine you lose out on being able to take advantage of much of the JVM ecosystem and I struggle to see what using Java even adds anymore.
I'd say a rudimentary knowledge of the Java ecosystem is required, Maven or Gradle are the preferred deps management and build tools. It's a bit of a bummer as quite a bit of 3rd party docs assume you have already written things in Java, and gloss over things like, importing a library. For someone who doesn't have a magic importer (or worse yet, someone who is not using an IDE), you'll literally have to dig around in API docs just to figure out what comes from where (I'm looking RIGHT AT YOU Vertx!!)
I double checked and it appears that almost all of the Java core libraries (rt.jar) are indeed already written in Java. (More a point of information than anything else)
i TA'd the intro to computer science class at Georgia Tech, taught using Java 1.1.7, back in 1999, and have used very little java since. at the time, it was not a particularly pleasant environment, though i suppose few things were.
more concretely, Autumn Lamonte's Jexer (https://jexer.sourceforge.io/) is a far better solution for Java, better than any wrapper of Notcurses could ever be due to its rich integration with the language and its expansive APIs.
beyond that, i authentically don't ever want to have to deal with bugs about a java port.
Just about anything on the JVM (Dropwizard, Play, Finagle, Scalatra, Rest-Express, Rest-Easy, Compojure, Unfiltered, Jersey, Vert.x, Spark), Go (Gorilla, Beego, Revel), Lua (Lapis), Haskell, Erlang...