I wouldn’t expect either of those filters to utilize a partition key if one exists. So yeah, you probably did a full table scan every time. Is the partitioning documented somewhere?
Only if you want to have a single partition :( If you want to have separate ones you have to do manual dance around luks. I'd wish it was easier to set up for multiple partitions.
I don't think so. There was an encryption scheme thought up and partially implemented about a decade (or two?) ago that allowed for an arbitrary number of partitions to exist in a single encrypted drive. It was called 'rubber hose' because the scheme was designed such that it was impossible to determine how many partitions existed inside the encrypted drive.
I don't think it's a scheme that's even relevant to this context, though.
That's correct. I also believe you could in theory forgo partition tolerance, it just wouldn't be a very useful system. Maybe there are use cases out there for it.
Yes, but partitioning also has a number of limitations that may be quite undesirable. Like inability to create UNIQUE constraints or primary keys, for example.
[0] i.e. If I somehow pick keys which are on the same partition.