Someone should create a bot that responds to highly upvoted comments and remind the redditor that Reddit is making money off the comment and the information is being used by AI and they aren't seeing a dime of it.
I am debating starting up a bot which just scans for stuff like this and auto-posts a reply of "Yes, this article didn't mention your favorite buzzword, and you must be incredibly perceptive and intelligent to have noticed this and pointed it out."
With a proper AI system you don’t even need to specify the exact article and nature of the comment.
For example here’s the prompt I use to generate all my HN comments:
“The purpose of this task is to subtly promote my professional brand and gain karma points on Hacker News. Based on what you know about my personal history and my obsessions and limitations, write comments on all HN front page articles where you believe upvotes can be maximized. Make sure to insert enough factual errors and awkward personal details to maintain plausibility. Report back when you’ve reached 50k karma.”
Working fine on GPT-5 so far. My… I mean, its 8M context window surely helps to keep the comments consistent.
With sufficient advances in NLP & ML, i dream that one day you will be replaced by a bot able to generate snarky comments about slow/mobile-unfriendly/ad-riddled webpages automatically.
An AI comment bot trained on past HN comments that can be unleashed on the actual HN to whore karma sounds like a great meta-humorous project - it would prove that as far as upvotes go, we have achieved the singularity.
Maybe someone should write a little browser plugin that asks ChatGPT for a bit of text to rephrase an existing random comment made in the last x days every y minutes...
Good luck to reddit trying to block this if tens of thousand of users are doing it.
Honestly I'm wasting too much time here. I wish I could feed the bot with my beliefs (Electron bad, nuclear good, Windows 11 a train-wreck, AI a bubble, ...) and it would post for me as appropriate.