Even worse, there was (and still is) no requirement for a command and its switches to be separated with whitespace.
"DIR/W" is the same as "DIR /W".
Which would have made it impossible to determine whether you want to invoke the command "DIR" in the current directory, or the command "W" in a subdirectory named "DIR".
Except that only works for absolute paths. And then also changes other semantics that you might expect to be there - e.g. it disables handling of .. and . to mean parent and current directory (which is valid even in absolute paths, and often useful).
I didn't know this one, and glad I do now! Is it possible that the other one I wish existed is already commonplace? I'd like to have an arg that cd's to a directory automatically after mkdir'ing it... or mv'ing a file to a directory.
Something like:
mkdir foo -go
mv foo ~/bar -go
... Probably simple enough to script, but I guess I'm too lazy at the moment.