By the time the everyman finishes reading the malarkey he doesn't know anything useful and now believes he has a handle on a complex and multifaceted issue. Ergo he actually knows less than when he started.
It is about the 10th time he jumps into something thinking he has some brilliant insight that everything is simpler than everyone else is making it out to be. He seems to be wrong every time but somehow it hasn't caught up to him yet.
He displays a lot of knowledge, but also doesn't look fully mentally with it. He has trouble controlling verbosity and keeping things relevant and on-topic. It's also not clear how much up to date knowledge he has; he writes like an old man complaining about the foolish optimism of youth.
Yes. Yes. That's the joke here. That the guy who decried traditional forms of communicating information and styled himself as some sort of nu-genius philanthropist was hoisted by his own petard. That if he had even a fraction of the intelligence he thought he had he would have realized that he didn't have nearly the knowledge needed to do what he claimed he would do.
His books are a mess because he had no idea of how to organize them.
But, I think it's important to realize at the time he probably thought other things where really important. It's a classic case where he did not know enough to understand he needed to know more.
Until he publicly reckons with how he got it so wrong, and what he's changed about his reasoning process as a result, we should degrade our estimate of his ability to think through complex problems.
Nobody wants to hear from the guy who admits he doesn't know everything. They want the opinion from the guy who is still on mount stupid and knows just enough to think he know everything about the subject.
Or he's just a narcissist and because everyone has told him he's the smartest person in the world, he has no appreciation of the limits of his knowledge and at this point he simply can't see it.
people generally tend to change when they experience the negative consequences of their action, not just willy nilly.
He hasn't just made one mistake, he keeps making the same mistakes. Merely a few years ago he ridiculed the notion that Facebook could have an influence on elections. Not only did that statement show that he hadn't learned, he also obviously thinks we're all idiots.