Even the slow language features are fast enough for most use cases, though. I think the actual comparison here isn't between 'slow' and 'fast' but 'probably fast enough' and 'as fast as possible.'
There's always going to be slow code. That's a fact of life. That's also part of the "not really good at anything" point I made about general purpose computing. You complain about waiting seconds or minutes like it's outrageous. Instead sit back and think about what that computer is actually doing. I do, and I marvel that it only takes seconds or minutes.
Right, that's my issue. People keep claiming something is slow, but when I ask for an actual example they almost never come up with one, so I can't profile and fix it... ;)
It is slow, and I presume that’s because competent developers wrote it clean. It’s quite possible that it’s not clean either and was just written by developers incapable of performance or cleanliness. That possibility doesn’t detract from my argument - there’s no point in discussing performance or clean code with them if they’re incapable of either.
Not a downvoter, but something doesn't need to necessarily be a bottleneck to warrant speeding up. Put another way, why deliberately pick a slower method if a faster one exists?
Many applications these days suffer from "death by a thousand cuts" - there's no single thing which makes it slow, just lots and lots of slightly slow things piling on top of each other.
Slow is pretty relative. What’s your use case? Start up time is not as good as native, agreed. Arithmetic? Hotspot is pretty darn fast. Developer speed? A lot better than C/C++ at least.
Yeah is too slow, but is not only that, is that it makes senses for it to exist years on user-land as a library (or multiple ones) before being implemented on any standard.
how slow is slow? Its one thing to be slow implementing a precise spec where the algorithms are sketched (ie problemeatic), its another thing (ie reasonable) to be slow cooking up a nicely designed tool with good / nontrivial algorithimics and interface
That slowness is tied to the GC, which you can swap in and out with others or turn off. I feel like this is a really undersold feature of the language.
Some people don't care that it's slow. Availability and uniformity is much more valuable for example in school environment, especially at one where they teach IT one hour per week and the teacher is not really a programmer themselves.