This is super addictive, well done. Runs incredibly fast too.
As a strategy tip, you can fly in reverse, it's great for dodging missles and maneuvering in general.
Addictive and fun. The timing on the turns is just right. If you're looking for feedback, I'd suggest putting the leaderboard up and to the right on bigger screens. I had to keep scrolling down in between turns to see how I was doing.
Also, several times it didn't register my clicks and I have to try a few times before it worked.
Thank you. I was trying to find the words for why it seems so addictive and this captures it. I am now playing ruthless ( ssf hc btw ) and even though I keep getting smacked down, I keep trying to get back up. The mode forces you to work with what you have and optimize at all times.
I enjoyed the game as well. I remember the thrill of achievement when I figured out it was possible to go backwards through two of the refuelling tunnels.
Also, there's a bug in the bounds checker. When going backwards, hold the joystick up. This lets you go off the left side of the screen and over to the right side, behind the ships attacking you.
This was a truly great game. Thanks for these links. Many hours were spent flipping switches and not really understanding how to fly this thing but it was all so cool anyway.