That problem with the enter key making it jump around sections is there in the web version too! A few weeks back I spent a lot of time compiling a wiki, and that combined with the lag of the web version absolutely drove me nuts!
Epilepsy warning: if you finish it you might have a page refresh bug where it constantly keeps refreshing (with flashing content) the page - for me it was solved by clearing localStorage (or just close the page I guess), I think this bug needs to be fixed ASAP.
Often when it happens refresh isn't even enough, I have to do a duplicate tab operation. I had that issue on mobile for a long time, now I have it on desktop too. O boy.
I thought I was going crazy fighting with their staff about the existence of this bug.
It makes it maddening trying to get on a website, and having to wait for the vault. Input queues up in the meantime, meaning I can't click or type on other things. Then suddenly, my mouse will shoot around the screen and my characters will get typed to wherever I was.
This happens to me all the time too. Sometimes it’s genuine user error (I have Firefox focused instead of an Slack or $TERM) and sometimes it’s the UI being glitchy, but each time I get a sudden moment of dread as I see the page updating in seemingly random ways.
Whoever thought hotkeys without modifier keys we’re a good thing needs to be taken back to UI/UX school and retaught the basics of predictable interfaces.
Hi I'm Marc the developer of Mojeek. Sorry about this, I'm aware it's happening too often and will look into it. If you press refresh twice without doing anything else that should fix it.