I had this problem and the solution was to use the game's `f` keybinding for fullscreen instead. Or open the game in a separate window, because ALT-F4 is the only way to close it.
The lack of a proper full screen mode really kills this game for me, I end up click outside of the window and inadvertently switching to a different application.
So, I normally have issues with fullscreen applications - in Windows and Wine. Fullscreen in Linux hasn't been an issue, but I'm pretty sure that's because the Valve/Source games run in "Windowed Fullscreen" so the window manager still gets to control it when you've released the mouse (ie, pressed Esc and are at the menu).
tl;dr: Try adding '-windowed' to the launch options for TF2 and see if that helps at all. (Steam -> Games -> Right Click "Team Fortress 2" -> Launcher Options and add "-windowed" minus the quotes obviously.
(edit: For the original thread, it also works decently well on my Macbook Air with Intel graphics)
13.04 on both of machines, though it was working last week on 12.10 before I rebuilt my machines.
I don't know what desktop environment/window manager you are using, but in i3 I can just press $mod+f to exit fullscreen and it will appear as a normal desktop app.
Since that feature was introduced I think I only ever used it by mistake. I think it would make a lot more sense if pressing alt would allow for fullscreen and normal click would be maximize.
(defun fullscreen ()
(let (f w l r cb b)
(setq cb (current-buffer))
(setq b (switch-to-buffer "*NOSUCHBUFFER*")) ;Temp buffer otherwise
(setq f (make-frame '((fullscreen . fullboth)))) ;settings don't take effect
(select-frame-set-input-focus f)
(setq w (frame-width f))
(setq l (/ (- w 80) 2))
(setq r (- w (+ l 80)))
(seq-default left-margin-width l
right-margin-width r)
(delete-other-frames f) ;Only one main window
(kill-buffer b) ;Kill temp buffer - now original buffer will get new margins
(switch-to-buffer cb)))
(defun fullscreen-off ()
(let (f cb b p)
(setq cb (current-buffer))
(setq b (switch-to-buffer "*NOSUCHBUFFER*")) ;Temp buffer
(setq-default left-margin-width nil
right-margin-width nil)
(kill-buffer b)
(delete-other-frames (make-frame))
(switch-to-buffer cb)))
If the game offers "borderless fullscreen" or "fullscreen windowed" then that's what you want. There are 3rd party utilities that can force it for games lacking the option, but I can't speak to how well they work.
Even minimized, the crashed fullscreen window stays on top. Apart from the Alt+Tab indicator, that is. I wish Task Manager could be on the same layer as that...
If you have a numpad, in Unity you can use ctrl-alt-[0-9].
Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 7 - Place window in top left corner of screen.
Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 8 - Place window in top half of screen.
Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 9 - Place window in top right corner of screen.
Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 5 - Center/Maximize the window in the middle of the screen. In 12.04 this toggles between maximize and restore state
Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 1 - Place window in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 2 - Place window in the bottom half of the screen.
Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 3 - Place window in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 0 - Maximize the current window.