Do you have public transit in major countries, business listing, up to date open hours, reviews, walking directions, terrain view, My Maps feature, offline maps, offline directions, high quality coverage in dozens of countries, ability to search through other people’s list, street view, high detail satellite view and so on in said services?
It is great that you posted this tool, but I am also curious, what is your paid service actually does? Provides report about your presence and how many places I missed?
Homepage doesn't provide much details about this, which is very confusing for your potential customers.
Very cool! You might also want to add weather, amazon/yelp ratings for products/places, directions from place a to b and location based search (coffee near staples center, la). Would be super useful for people on the move without access to a data plan.
Agreed. I could be traveling around the world, or alternatively I can just load up MapCrunch and look up some random street views (albeit that they always include a street).
Yes, because the list shows you stuff like the name of the place, its address, ratings, hours and all sorts of other stuff. Plus the full screen map view is a short swipe away.
I guess I'm not most people. When I'm walking down street I want
- map, with routes etc. proximity of my "friends"
- location direction distance to cops (like weekend downtown horse patrol's )
- ability to overlay datasets (crime, traffic, business ratings, etc)
- notice of interesting history/landmarks (basically wikipedia)
- notice/splice with local news (yesterday this happened here).
- notice/splice with events (in hour so and so will be signing books at store on your left), tonight x band is playing at bar on right.
- splice with my notes of place, when/how often here, money spent, stuff ordered, etc.
I want augmented memory and senses.
pie in the sky, I want it to face recognition and tell me the name and why I know guy (which I don't remember) who is talking at a me like he knows me.
So currently the service is only an MVP. Right now you're only able to see all the nearby spaces available, though I'm extremely interested to hear what you'd like to see from a tool such as this! Will be more than happy to integrate suggestions.
Depending on where you are, the available things to do can be limited and uninspiring.
I have been using it for a while, and I have filled out useful things like bus stop shelter and seating, road surfaces, opening hours on shops etc.
Near me right now, I have a few house numbers (adjacent to known house numbers), one probably unnamed pedestrian passage to name, and loads of default speed limits.
The closest thing to this I can think of is an offline TripAdvisor app (TripAdvisor City Guides). The app downloads city data straight from TripAdvisor to use on your phone when your internet / wifi is switched off.
Their huge database of places & reviews is combined with a section on 'walking tours' which seems very similar to what you're describing. A great bonus with this is that GPS services still work without internet.
A great addition to this would be bespoke intelligently generated tours based upon your likes or interests.
Also a limitation of the TripAdvisor app is the number of cities offered (though this seems to be increasing)
Great. Would it be possible to add interactivity to this map.
E.g. I am now in China, checking some website hosted in France. Can it tell me the usual routes? Could it trace route real time and show me which one was chosen?
I really like this idea. I hate how existing services limit regions, such as Trulia - it's not like the maps are hard to get - I hope your service works out.
Not anymore, the website suffices for me, but what stood out in my opinion is that a) the app is beautiful and b) it shows articles of places/features nearby.
Google Earth is a bit better for long-distance tourism of that sort. Streetview with an auto-navigation option would be pretty cool for checking out places on the neighborhood level. And if you're in Google Maps, don't forget to check out photos at landmarks.
I'm about to organise a family road trip and I can see how this tool can make that so much more informative and fun. I currently rely on an Google Sheet and Google Maps List, which is a bit tiring.
I'd like to see the following features:
- Ability to search for GPS coordinates.
- Ability to search for plus codes (I hate them, but Google forces them onto me.)
- Display route duration: This is good for judging if a segment is too long and needs to be spliced in two.
- Somehow searching for places in Europe is lacking compared to Google Maps.