I really don't think the original commenter was implying that everyone was an American or that the American system was the proper way to do things, especially based on his/her other posts. I see this kind of comment all the time, and it doesn't appear to be constructive but antagonistic.
Maybe it's because I'm not American and am pretty unfamiliar with that system, but yeah.
To be clear I'm not disagreeing with OP or saying nobody else is to blame, I just didn't fully understand. I was glad someone else had asked and hoped to scroll down and understand, not find an argument, I think everyone had good intentions here.
I thought it was pretty funny. An American goes abroad, abuses the system without the slightest hint of remorse, then complains how America's system is much worse.
I wonder if there's some correlation between that kind of attitude and how the system works...
I didn't downvote you if it matters. I agree with you about society, but American culture does not in large. Even the family who has seen this happen to me is still staunchly hard right and against their taxes funding any social programs.