Note that this enables you to use the bash 'forward search', CTRL+R's forgotten twin.
I use CTRL+R and CTRL+S often in emacs and was frustrated that CTRL+S would not work on a command line terminal. As the article mentions, CTRL+S is typically interpreted as XON. Turning that off will enable forward search.
Ctrl-O is incredibly useful. Go back to an earlier command, press Ctrl-O repeatedly, and you re-run a series of commands. That doesn't work if some of them were deleted as duplicates.
Please report bugs your find on github, or I will lose track of them. There is no ctrl-ins, shift-ins, if you want those shortcuts you can add them in the config. What does ctrl-arrow do in bash? IIRC you have to map it to something it does not do anything by default. For kitty the codes to map are ^[OC and ^[OD
> It's a small key sequence: ctrl-x e . What's this do? It takes the existing command that you currently have on your command line and opens it in your shell's editor
ctrl-r, find a command, press ctrl-o -> inserts ^o in the command and exits of ctrl-r.
Running bash 4.4.12(1) on Linux.