I am very interested in Perl 6. What would be the recommended implementation to use in production? What are your experiences with using it in production?
Nothing significant has changed in Perl since 5.8 so it is up to date enough. Perl 6 might be what you are referring to, but I doubt anyone is running perl 6 in production currently.
There's been no such penetration at all. Because current Perl 6 implementations cannot run Perl 5 code, everyone sticks to some version of Perl 5 for "perl" and uses "perl6" when that is wanted. (That said, there are at least two current projects working on getting Perl 5 support up and running in Perl 6.)
Is there a production-grade implementation available yet? If so, who is using it, and what are they using it for?
I look into Perl 6 every few years, but there's never a high-quality implementation of it. The ones that do exist end up being esoteric, experimental, or otherwise not really usable like Perl 5 is.
Not to be trollish, but is anyone actually using Perl 6 for more than just for kicks? It is a super interesting language, but has it been battle tested over the years similar to Perl 5?
From what I understand a lot of the Perl community mostly ignores Perl 6, and is focused on the Perl 5 base (as shown by the up-tick in development/changes on the core of Perl 5).
Perl6 is actually pretty useable as is now also. I wouldn't say production ready but It really is real close and I can use it for personal projects already.