The Perl 6 answer to almost all such questions is simply "Yes". It is an incredible mess. Whether it is a glorious mess is something that we are finally coming up on the ability to determine.
No. There have been various test and development implementations over the years but regardless of bugs they're all so slow as to be of questionable utility for any real work. It remains safe to ignore Perl 6 for the time being.
Absolutely! I hadn't looked at Perl 6 before the OP's presentation.
But isn't Perl 6 a full superset of Perl 5? That would mean the full clutter is still underneath, and some people will continue to code Perl 5 in Perl 6.
Perl's greatest criticism is that it's friggin' unreadable, especially when written by less-than-stellar coders. It's my impression from a skim of Perl 6 that due to a bunch of fairly intricate features added there, it will be come even less readable than Perl 5. Is that a mistaken assessment?
Not really. As in, I wouldn't start from zero and try to learn enough to get a day job at it, at this stage.
There are still so many negative tradeoffs in Perl 5 -- especially, and most crucially, for new adopters -- that I don't think it will ever make up the ground it has steadily lost to Python/Ruby/PHP over the last 15 years. P6 has addressed many of P5's most notorious faults, while perpetuating others, and quite likely introducing a whole family of newer, far subtler traps and pitfalls. All while being not particularly fast, poorly document (last I checked -- about a year ago), and like Perl 5, just plain.... zany.
That said, there are a lot of incredibly bold -- we might even say, "ahead-of-their-time" ideas in Perl 6 (just as there were in Perl 5, in its time), and I sincerely hope many of these will be carefully studied -- and I won't be surprised if some of them are incorporated to whatever "lingua franca" that ultimately emerges and ends up burying Python, hopefully not too long from now.
I've in fact been playing with Perl 6. First a year ago, and then again when it was released. I've found and reported bugs. And I do think it has very powerful features. But hell it's hard to learn and very complex in my opinion.
Unfortunately, no, your info about Perl 6 is news to me. Only ran into it a few months ago, tried it in Python and Nim, but haven't seen it in the wild. It's very cool though.
Thanks for the interesting reply. At the moment I guess it's a case of wait and see. I think it's fair enough to have some non-specific skepticism about Perl 6 given the history, however it's clear the designers are putting a lot of thought and love into it. And I can see how it will provide a powerful means of generating pipeline-type analysis tools.
However, it actually makes it seem to me that even more so Perl 6 makes the same "mistake" as Perl 5. The surface area of the language now seems fractal in complexity, and unless rigorous discipline & best practices are applied it's going to be very hard to build working complex projects. So great for individuals, very powerful for highly disciplined teams, but not good for the below average programmer - as 90% of biologists are. Perl 5 was full of magic, but in the hands of most biologists & less disciplined bioinformaticians that was a bad thing.
Take that SQL Slang example, great for quick scripts, but it's seems a long long way from a production ready library that can be used in a complex application. And maybe I just don't see the great advantage in being able to hide a couple of lines that make it exactly clear about what you're doing. If I'm maintaining code I want to see those explicit statements if possible. And really it's not exactly a big win over "&sql($statement)".
Anyway, it's interesting and luckily I can observe from a distance now.