And for the record, Evan was somewhat justified in not saying I had anything to do with Teamware since I made his team look like idiots, ran circles around them. On the other hand, taking smoosh.c and removing my name from the history was dishonest and a douche move. Especially since not one person on that team was capable of rewriting it.
The fact remains that Teamware is just a productized version of NSElite which was written entirely by me.
If I sound grumpy, I am. Politics shouldn't mess with history but they always do.
The context was my asking "why didn't The Perl Foundation get any Google SoC projects?" I then implied that they don't do a whole lot, because I checked their IRS filings and noticed that they had several hundred thousand dollars sitting in a checking account. Why not put it in a savings account?
We then get to being banned from contributing to HTML::Tidy:
22:48 <@jrockway> fine, i will happily mentor someone in an area i am familar
22:48 <@jrockway> i have no problem with that at all
22:48 <@jrockway> next year.
22:48 <@Andy> That doesn't do much good now.
22:48 <@jrockway> what can i do this year?
22:48 <@Andy> Well, for one you can quit denigrating TPF about how useless it
22:49 <@jrockway> no, i can't do that
22:49 <@jrockway> what's something real i can do
22:49 <@Andy> I'm sorry to hear that you can't do that.
22:49 <@Andy> because I think that's pretty much a requirement to help out.
22:49 <@jrockway> no, it's not
22:49 <@Andy> Nobody wants help from someone who's complaining about things.
22:49 <@jrockway> you should accept help even if people don't like you (not you
personally, i mean the TPF)
22:49 <@jrockway> fine
22:49 <@jrockway> i will continue to whine then
22:50 <@jrockway> that's good for everyone
22:50 <@Andy> I have no doubt about that.
22:50 * jrockway goes to work on perl projects
22:50 <@elliot> :/
22:50 <@Andy> Not HTML::Tidy, though.
22:50 <@jrockway> "THATS MINE DON'T TOUCH IT"
22:50 <@jrockway> so constructive
22:51 <@Andy> No, I just don't need help from someone who bashes and denigrates.
22:51 <@jrockway> that's childish, but whatever
22:53 <@Andy> Not sure how choosing to decide who to work with is childish.
22:53 <@jrockway> meritocracy
22:54 <@jrockway> i accept patches / comments from anyone
22:54 <@jrockway> if the code is good, i could care less who gives it to me
22:54 <@Andy> Open source is about more than code.
22:54 <@jrockway> to you
22:55 <@hobbs> actually its motto is "shut up and show us the code"
22:55 <@jrockway> to me it is about code and solving problems
22:55 <@jrockway> hobbs++
22:55 <@Andy> Not all problems are solved through code.
22:56 <@jrockway> to be honest i haven't run into anyone that i have personal
problems with
22:56 <@jrockway> and mst is often not very nice to me
22:56 <@chargrill> well, mst is often a jerk to a lot of people.
22:56 <@jrockway> i get over it, he's a good programmer
22:56 <@jrockway> he says the same about me
22:56 <@Andy> jrockway: There are plenty of people you have personal problems
22:56 <@jrockway> i don't like that implication
22:56 <@Andy> OK.
22:57 <@jrockway> i have no problems with you, i have a problem with TPF
22:57 <@jrockway> i am not the only one
22:57 <@Andy> I wasn't talking about me.
22:58 <@jrockway> do we really need to focus on "who likes who"
22:59 <@jrockway> i mean, there's myspace for that
22:59 <@Andy> It's a key part of open source.
22:59 <@Andy> And I'd ask you to consider that.
23:01 <@jrockway> so what's the resolution to this?
23:01 <@jrockway> i still dislike TPF, and you have one fewer developer on
23:01 <@jrockway> that is always good
23:01 <@jrockway> big win for everyone
Incidentally, a few people created a new TPF-like entity. So I must have not been the only person in the world that didn't think they were amazingly effective or transparent.
Steve explained that his tweet about @harthur's replace utility was not meant to disparage its author, or its code, but was meant to express his feelings about Node (i.e. the ecosystem for which replace was written). And, he apologized, "unequivocably", for the fact that his tweet had caused pain to @harthur:
My last blog post was quite a downer, so I want to do a short follow up for posterity.
First of all, there were some nice responses to it from Steve Klabnik and especially Corey Haines, who gave a very sincere straight-up apology. Several people have told me they are usually very nice, so keep that in mind.
So, your characterization appears to be incorrect and unfair.
dpitkin from canonical: "Hi, I just looked into it and the check to Tommy and Edmund from Canonical is in process for the 77 copies of Super Meat Boy. We have been working together since November to get it resolved, no piracy here just some miscommunication.
David Pitkin Canonical"
edmund: "they got it from the HIB, HIB gives all the linux builds to Ubuntu during the promotion and does a blanket statment to all involved, we said we were interested in putting smb in the store but never heard back and never got a contract or exchanged information (hence why we were never paid) they never contacted us back after that and we simply never knew it was in their store."
So, which is it? Have canonical and edmund been communicating to fix since November? Or has this literally NEVER (edmund's statement) happened?
Given the HIB involvement, I'm very inclined to think that a massive miscommunication happened and that, frankly, edmund is just massively whining and whinging. Listen, I get it, he might be frustrated, but Edmund spoke in absolutes and we know how often absolutes are correct.
Either way, "pirating" is the wrong word. It's obvious there was no malice from Canonical. And I honestly don't know what Edmund was trying to achieve...he just looks bad in this whole exchange.
tweet deleted, but this gem is full of "simply" and "just", quite surprising considering "describing something that might be considered an entire doctoral research project in performant terminal emulation as “extremely simple” somewhat combatively". Someone is owed apology.
Apology to DNLee
by honee_v » Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:33 am
We would like to express our sincerest apologies to Danielle N. Lee (DNLee) and anyone else who may have been offended by the way our recently hired employee, Ofek, handled the conversation with her. Ofek's behaviour was completely out of line and after gathering the facts we immediately terminated his employment. Ofek failed to show the respect and prudent behavior expected of him as a contributor to Biology Online.
From the moment that Biology Online started, it has always been a cordial avenue to exchange invaluable information and discussions among scientists, professionals, students, and biology savvy individuals from different parts of the world. Offensive and discriminatory behavior has always been discouraged. We intend to preserve this core function of the website. After an immediate and fair deliberation of the situation we decided to terminate the services of Ofek for his failure to represent and keep what we value in Biology Online.
We would also like to express our gratitude to the people who made us aware of the situation and to all loyal patrons of the website for your continued support. We assure you that Biology Online will continue providing its audience a congenial place for discussions and free biological information for everyone.
* Christine mentioned they blocked them from contributing while in fact Christine contributed zero code to the project during the year they were blogging about the project
"The innocent new owners of my laptop have been in touch and are mortified about the story and are keen to return the laptop.
Given the huge error of judgement on my part in sharing the story and failing to respect their privacy I have asked them to keep it by means of an apology."