I’ve also noticed recently that Reddit has gotten extremely aggressive towards people using it without an account or using it on mobile without installing the app. I’m addicted to it enough, thank you, without having a dedicated app for it.
I agree with this sentiment. I used to be a Reddit user. With my Reddit account and my Reddit app. I say used, because I too, grew tired of the constant, aggressive, innecessary nagging trying to push me to install the app. I already have the app. Let me just read this short post in peace. I don't want to open it in the app. I want to read it here and now, and then close the browser.
But since they decided that I don't align with their business plan, I had to close my account and stop using Reddit completely.
I def use Reddit a lot less than I used to, but I caved and installed the official app. But now I use it sparingly because it such a shitty experience.
Reddit's mobile site is also intentionally user-hostile to try to get them to use the app. Although that's not a part of the recent redesign, they had that for a long time now.
The same way quora started forcing sign in to view content now reddit is forcing users to download their mobile app otherwise you can't visit reddit.com
Even worse that most communities, even safe for work ones like gaming communities are locked being using the app. I can't access any of my favored subreddits on mobile without visiting the old site.
The good thing is that refusing to download the app has cleared me of my reddit addiction
Me too. I used to frequent Reddit occasionally on mobile web. I didn't, and still don't want the app for similar reasons, but also so I wouldn't get addicted. These days I just don't visit it at all because the friction is too high.
I stopped using Reddit for a few weeks because of this. I use Reddit almost exclusively on my phone and I don’t need nor want to download a separate web browser just for one site.
But then one day I checked out of habit and I was back in.
But if they want to “ban” me from the site because I visit with my phone’s browser, so be it. Honestly they’d probably be doing me a favor. But I’m not downloading the stupid app.
Reddit has been trying to make me login and install app since years. Everytime it asks more than once, I close the webpage. It's helping my Reddit addiction and I have been avoiding it for years now.
I user Reddit Is Fun app religiously for the past 5 years.
The moment they decide to cripple 3rd party apps is probably when I'm quitting reddit. Don't even get me started on the new design which I opted out of.
The reddit UI has gotten so hostile that I stopped using reddit a few years ago. Third party apps are nice and all, but I think a site that's so hostile to its users isn't worth me wasting my time on. I have several friends who are active reddit users but exclusively use third party apps, if those apps stop working I'm confident they'll just stop using reddit all together too.
I remember when Digg.com launched v4 and everyone hated it so much that they planned a "quit Digg day" and then collectively moved to Reddit. Maybe some day reddit users will do the same thing and move to something else.
Same here, also with Reddit refusing to show posts to me and trying to force me to install its App instead when browsing on mobile. I simply don't use it on mobile anymore.
Lots of 3rd party Reddit apps are going down as well. RIF is a great android app for example. It is Reddit for me and I'm not going to install the official app. I'll go away rather than be stuffed in their Clockwork Orange media chair.
I'm purposely avoiding reddit right now even though several niche communities only exist there. I've been using 3rd party apps for maybe 15 years now (Alien Blue first and now Relay for 10 years). I'm directly affected by this and I think they handled it poorly.
I can't believe they would do this AND kill off third party apps. I'm with you on not rewarding reddit, they have become very user hostile all the sudden.
I was going to ban personal reddit use this week but I already broke that to read this topic and respond to the one dev that replied to it.
The situation with mobile reddit got out of control. It is impossible to browse anything without the app unless it is a post on r/popular or r/all.
Out of spite I downloaded 'a' free reddit client and bought the full version. The constant stream of useless notifications of the official app is just disgusting.