I think you may need to unlearn this conversation style before you can participate meaningfully. Vocalising your stereotypes and memorised emotional responses isn't worth much.
I think it is hard to have "high quality" conversation because not only is it difficult to determine what counts as high quality but also because it is so easy for a public thread to get derailed by comments that present nuanced issues as simplistic.
I'm fed up with conversations. I value altruistic softness, politeness and being sociable. But it's a shallow muddy game without the right feel or tension.
Too much time it devolves on vague if not fluff talk where people are more focused on liability rather than honesty, fun, joy or thinking.
Even with best efforts in seeking shared fun the stats are too low.
I've fallen into that SOO many times. And it's a bit transactional to ask people to lower the intellect of the conversation to help you out for a portion of the time you talk together
This site is geared towards curious, thoughtful conversation. It doesn't always live up to that goal. But that's the goal. The goal isn't to make people feel good about themselves regardless of how they behave. Talk too loud in a library, and you'll get shushed.
You might be the only one who believes a conversation loses all value if someone benefits from it, and who thus reduces an otherwise interesting discussion to "just an ad."
Noted. This is the kind of answer I was looking for, I'm not too far off the mark. I could do better though.
I'm trying to mold myself from the wisdom of this community little by little. I just want to build something of value, that makes life more fulfilling for the people who use my platform. I try not to talk about it unless the conversation drifts towards 'what are you working on?'. At that point, I mention what it is in bare bones terms and that's it.
Also I've learned that people react differently based on their feelings about themselves. Talking to people who are happy with themselves, they like to hear more and we go back and forth. Other times, people change the subject to sports or weather.