Pretty incredible exchange you are having with people right now where you are just straight up ignoring valid points or sweeping them aside as idealism...
These what-aboutism arguments are so disingenuous that they are the product of either bad faith or a pathological measure of rationalization.
Whatever the reason, such facile rants are now the go-to technique--an entreaty to engage in a tit-for-tat, ignoring context and degree, thus normalizing awful behavior.
But I won't do it. I think you are well-aware of the difference in degree and of who is clearly and presently wielding power in a manner that runs roughshod over our norms, values and institutions.
I am specifically calling for feedback in terms of concrete arguments. Please continue to keep brandishing people and calling them names. Great arguments!!
Would you care to refute any of his arguments? You spent several hundred words just to arrogantly say "You're wrong" over and over, with no additional substance beyond a few insults.