This is WONDERFUL! no really. The first step to a world without money . Imagine a powerful govt AI keeping track of your karma and then determining what you can access, get or use. There won't be any shortcuts or cheats. People with a lot of money will be on the same level as people without. The currency of success will be the help we give to each other. The only way this can work is of course a powerfully networked AI that is transparent. So if somebody seems to be at the top of the heap, everybody else can audit his/her behavior data to see how he/she got there. If this system is not transparent, then it is just another tool for the powerful to exploit the weak.
I think if I was a super-intelligent AI plotting to take over the world I'd get into cryptocurrency. An anonymous way to accumulate wealth and power and you could use bitcoin mining as a cover for the processors powering the AI.
Like pretty much everyone in my country, I already entrust a bunch of private corporations to safeguard my wealth. Worse, there's nothing to stop my bank from suddenly deciding tomorrow that I don't have any money, and I don't really have any paper records to prove otherwise...
I figure any AI advanced enough to monitor everything I'm doing and where all my stuff is, is probably smart enough to know if it's me asking.
Unfortunately greed often turns people from ethical to not so ethical pretty quickly. Would be nice if the chaps above could create an AI to help with that!
This is the most dystopian thing I've read in a while. Prison Planet Earth, where everyone is uniquely identified by a number, perhaps surgically implanted on an RFID tag? How much compute resource would be needed to create an AI minder for each and every human on top of that, constantly updating their social credit score on a daily basis?
There is no AI system today that can take high stakes decisions without human supervision. Not even invoice data extraction bots unless you want it to send 1,000,000 dollars from your account every now and then, instead of 1,000.
1. The financial system is extremely automated already. Not bitcoin but the financial system in General. So the first step in this ethical AI system would be to train it to be an ethical hedonist. I am already an ethical hedonist so I am the domain expert.
2. Then I would say make an agent that would make purchases based on my own likes and dislikes. This agent would use whatever API's are necessary to do this.
3. The last step would be to take the agent that I create and say 'Based upon your opinion of me and us as a system how can we increase our joint utility'.
4. The last step would be to create a trust that would make the AI the executor of the trust and it would work through lawyers to implement the joint utility function.
And the fired workers can start their own business using AI as well and sell to oh wait. No more human customers have money. Hey what if we give some AI bots some digital money and humans can compete to get them to buy stuff?
We can just make the AI phishing bots talk to a Lenny 2.0 trained to tie them up in endless conversations. AI interacting with AI will be the next economic boom fomenting a wave of new wealth creation.
A 'manhattan' like project with this as a focus would be an amazing thing, just something like that targeted at creating an AI would be quite something. But with everybody turning over their dimes and no 'enemy' to justify the expense against I doubt that will happen.
So its a thought experiment and so this AI is very smart, like even better than Microsoft's Tay. And maybe it not just on the person's behavior but also family wealth, living location, history, convictions of family members, and so on. Lots of things that are hard to manipulate or would take generations to do so.
If you are convicted of a crime even if you had this free money, then likely you are doing crime for fun and not out of necessity, so jail is the best place for you.
Cities may actually decline to convict because jailing people is more expensive, so maybe this would be a counter-effect.
>Software with biggest potential for positive impact in 5 years?
sentiment analysis and nudging, when people are angry with each other it is easy for AI to analyze; likewise if people are being tricky, defrauding, etc, it could be analyzed from their interactions facial expressions etc. These behaviors are a drain on the economy and within a few years AI could help solve it. Basically, five years from now when someone gets a "you've just won x", "paid thank you", or even "congratulations you've been hired" AI could ensure there is not someone on the other side of the transaction who is actively tricking them. Something like, "looks like you're trying to defraud or steal from someone. Here are some coursera courses that are a better path for you".
I feel like these things are a real drain on the economy, and lead to mistrust or markets that fail. Successful economies need trust, it is a prerequisite, and lawsuits or law enforcement are a poor substitute. I feel like AI could be used for productive purposes to increase trust in the world. At the limit, imagine if everyone had a helpful friend, who was also friends with everyone else. Within five years, AI could be that friend.
We already created super AI. It's called the stock market. Look at how it's tricked the richest(capitalist) and smartest via engineering jobs into toiling away at getting a number to go up.
You should be able to build a profile of a person based on adtech, credit score, and social credit score/surveillance. With enough data on everyone we could easily determine intent with AI.
Though for some reason minorities always have questionable intentions, but whatever, it’s basically a utopia already.
I read you. Connecting AI directly to a bank account and removing a human from the loop is a logical next step. It's a classical Paperclip Factory scenario though, i.e. playing with fire[0], yes, but it's nothing novel.