You know you’re dealing with amateur management when they think doubling people is going to linearly halve the time of a project. This completely ignores the varying skill sets, and difficulty in decomposing some tasks. Onboarding and ramp up is also very time consuming. Productivity of existing team members will drop, temporarily, as they onboard new people. Communications overhead is also very real.
Software projects at least don't scale linearly, doubling your 3 man team doesn't double output. It's not a stretch to say that having 10x money and manpower won't scale your engineering project that far, and may even hurt it as you add managerial layers and politics.
I respectfully disagree. While there is communication overhead, it really does scale with the number of people you have to communicate with. If you have twice the people working half the time, you still have twice the communication cost.
Moreover, the communication overhead will eat up a much larger percentage of working time, since the person is only working half time. But you can't just communicate half as much. Any fixed overhead, such as status meetings, breaks, etc will suffer from the same effect.
Then there's the concept of flow. It's hard to get into a high productive state doing something like programming if you are working 4 hours a day, and 1 hour a day is overhead. Even if you get into that zone, you will benefit from it for a short period of time. For me, it can easily take half an hour to get my mind back to where I was on the previous day.
Ramping up and learning a codebase is also an overhead, and will take longer in terms of days (since you aren't working as long), take communication time, and then once you are an expert, you'll bring a smaller amount of time to bear against the problem.
In terms of teams, having a larger team (2x as large, let's say) means that you will get more good hires and more bad hires. But bad hires are far more of a problem than good hires, especially if they spend all the time communicating, asking questions, and making work for others. One bad hire can ruin a team. One good hire really cannot make a bad team into a good team.
All of this assumes also that all the part time people are working at the same time and able to communicate, which almost certainly won't be the case. Part time workers will not always be able to communicate, and may have to wait a while for an answer, further reducing productivity.
It's not only not negligible, but I worry it's not scalable.
adding more people to a project will most of the time make things worst, I'd rather work with 2 very competent people than having a team of 20 mediocre ones.
Throwing more people at a software problem isn't a viable solution to meet a deadline.
Obviously there is benefit to adding more people, it's just that that benefit takes time to offset the cost of onboarding.
Communication does place an upper limit on the number of people who can work on a specific project, and later the total number of projects that can interact.
Something exploratory like what what the GP was suggesting doesn't require huge teams or a lot of interaction between teams, at least until the problems are identified and need to actually be resolved.
You underestimate the cost of communication overhead and rework. As a flat team scales, the cost of communication scales with the number of people squared. If you solve this with process, everyone's productivity is dropped.
Data that you can find in Software Estimation: Demystifying The Black Art quantifies this. The overall productivity of a team increases until it has 5-8 people. Then it goes down. A team of 12 actually accomplishes LESS per month than it would if you fired half the people. However once you get to 20-25 people, productivity is back. And then increases fairly close to linearly.
Going from 5-8 people all the way to 20+ with no increase in throughput is really, really painful. And those aren't cheap people. This provides companies with a huge incentive to figure out how to get a small team to be as productive as possible. And you don't get the most out of a small team by filling it up with junior to mid-level devs.
Not panning this, but isn't this Mythical Man-Month's observation? That the communication overhead increase in adding team members grows -exponentially- quadratically with the number of developers?
(This does match my experience. 40+ teams simply accomplishing less and less than a very small, co-located or constantly in contact team).
The more people you put on a single project, the more communication costs - which grow with n! - start to dominate.
The solution to that is to structure the project into independent parts that can be done in parallel by smaller amount of people, thus vastly reducing communication waste. But whether or not you can divide your project in such a way is a question of its scope, and of design decisions you make.
To be fair, teams scale extremely poorly. I'd almost always expect a smaller team to be on par with or even outperform a larger team, even double in size.
You get both steep diminishing returns from adding more devs, you also get additional overhead from needing more management.
Because more engineers makes for a worse product, particularly if you're doing something very innovative that requires a lot of iteration.
The amount of code you can write grows linearly with number of engineers, but communication costs grow quadratically. Therefore, the speed at which you can execute is inversely proportional to the size of the team, unless you can cut communication costs. Established projects can do this with architectural decisions that prevent one engineer from needing to know about or communicate with other engineers working on unrelated parts of the product. New projects cannot, because the architecture hasn't been established yet. That's why every innovative product grows out of a small team.
Many large companies don't realize there are other groups working on the same project. This means you may see two teams of 6 people working on the exact same problem. Resources are then split, potentially this actually makes both projects fail.
If you put two people on the exact same problem, sure. But, software systems are made up of LOTS of problems, a large amount of which can be solved in parallel.
That's why it's a platitude. It gets bantered about by developers as an explanation about why we just can't go any faster (hiring people is a lot of work after all), but in reality they CAN go faster with more people working on the various problems that make up the system.
Of course there is a point of diminishing return. The management costs come into play. The communication inefficiencies. The process issues. Those can be largely solved with good leadership, however.
It's a rule that is only true when it's true, which doesn't make it that useful to me. I've grown teams on multiple occasions from one or two developers to much larger numbers. While productivity may not have increased linearly, it sure made the projects go much faster. Hell I'd argue that doubling a two person team more than doubled productivity just because the external drags tends to be more distributed which reduces the context switching developers are having to do.
I think there are many more shades of grey that inexperienced founders just don't recognize when they're bound to that idea.
What? I thought this was covered years ago. Extra people incur communication costs. Two people at half productivity will never be as effective as one at full productivity.
Team size kills so many things. I had a client once that couldn't start a project without at least 15 people. Those projects were doomed from the start.
Maybe I'm getting old and cranky, but lately 7 is becoming my limit for people on a team, with team size as low as 3 looking pretty damned good.
Right, except that communication between developers is the least scalable part of running a software team. For every new member you add, there are n existing developers to communicate with, so your communication costs go up as O(n^2).
If the goal is to grow a piece of software over time (as in many startups), any architecture that relies on "better communication" is doomed to fail, simply because it limits the size of the team that can handle it (and thus growth).
Smaller teams means more of the communication takes place in the 10x programmer's head rather than in multiple meetings between 1x programmers. A team of 3 10X programmers should be more efficient than 30 1x programmers simply because communication will be more efficient.