The RPi 4 is the first one with an Ethernet interface that isn't connected over USB. All the earlier RPis are seriously handicapped for networking usage by that limitation.
> In addition, its processor includes two 200-MHz microcontrollers that allow you to implement low-latency, real-time functions while still having the capabilities of a Linux system.
This is brilliant. Inter-processor communication [1] feels quite like programming GPGPU. I wish there was a way to allow one of RPi's VideoCore unit to access external IO.
Using the Pi as a file server can be a bit flaky. The ethernet controller was an USB one, and was neither really stable or took load very well. The new PHY on a dedicated link is probably the single biggest improvement with this new revision.
The HEVC is a bit unexpected considering the high license fees and general uncertainties. Let's hope the documentation can be released as well.
CPU Quad-core ARM Cortex-A57 64 bit
DRAM Two DDR3 SO-DIMM sockets
SATA Two SATA ports
USB Two USB 3.0 ports
Console USB-micro port for console support
Ethernet 1 GBe Ethernet
PCIe x16 PCIe G3 slot
not sure about the RTC, but the PI is way far from any of
the arm 'standardization' efforts, being a low end 'standard' unto itself..
Forewarning, comparing across utterly different segments of devices is bad & dangerous for the health of industries. And yet, let's dive in to just that: there's a lot more I/O than an RPi4 here! 8+4+1 PCIe 3.0 slots. Wow. If it can really use the bandwidth these slots expose that's very impressive. 4 USB ports but so few folks clarify whether that's for real or shared bandwidth under a single usb host or whether they're independent. So either an effective +1.25 or +5 extra PCIe3 slots of bandwidth there, again, if this device can saturate those links.
I'm wondering very much how the CPU fares. This is progress either way, but will it match a RPi4? The RPI4 has tiny I/O but I feel like it's probable the cpu performance is not radically unlike.
> * Don't underestimate the number of services you can having running in containers on a Raspberry Pi 4B with 8GB of RAM, sipping just 2.1W (yes, that little!) at idle over PoE or as low as 1.35W over WiFi powered by USB-C. With distributions like DietPi you can have a mere 10 processes at startup (using just 44MiB of RAM), but still all the flexibility in the world.
I've been disappointed in the general reliability, terrible IO, and heat/power of the RPI4. I'm getting rid of them in favor of second hand thin clients.
>Something like an RPi 4 but with more disk I/O and RAM.
Have you seen the RISC-V based VisionFive2?
Uses 4x SiFive U74 cores, so it is actually between rpi3b and 4 in CPU performance, but using way less power (especially idle).
The SoC has an industrial operating range: It can go up to 125C, it doesn't use or need a heatsink; at full load in human room temperatures it won't even reach 70C.
GPU performance is supposedly 4x that of RPi4. As for I/O, it has 2x GbE and a M.2 slot, besides USB3 and a RPi-like GPIO header.
4GB and 8GB versions are available, but 8GB won't ship until February. Both versions are <$100.
> There are only upsides to it e.g. no SD corruption, power adapter compatibility issues, overheating problems
Boot your Pi from USB and there is no SD corruption to worry about. This has been out of beta and officially supported for over 2 years now. I've never had an issue with power adapter compatibility but understand some had issues when the RPi 4 was released due to it requiring more amperage than previous models. Not really a concern with modern USB C adapters and if you are really concerned just buy the official power supply or one of the multitudes sold on Amazon as for the RPi.
As for overheating, I have had a RPi 4 stuffed in a crowded wiring box with no air flow in my unconditioned garage running non-stop without overheating for a few years now. I live in a climate where it is over 90 degrees Fahrenheit every day June - early September with a good part of late July - late August being over 100. I also have a 4 node RPi cluster which has been running for years without any overheating issues. The cluster nodes do have 5v fans running at 3.3v to reduce noise. I installed these when originally setting up the cluster but would be confident removing them. At this point it just isn't worth the effort to do so.
It looks like the article was intended for x84 UEFI and then they changed the title to Raspberry Pi for the clicks. Nothing in the article applies to the RPI, nor mentions it.
> If anyone has development experience using the raspberry pi 4 (4GB), I really want to hear from you, especially regarding the processor performance
I've been developing on the platform for a few months now. Though it's difficult to compare performance between architectures, the new BCM2711 compares favorably in CPU bound tasks to Intel's Cherry Trail Atoms from early 2016, primarily the Atom x5-z8350.
The Pi 4 also overclocks easily from 1.5 GHz to 2.0 - 2.1 GHz, where it exceeds Atom performance in some cases. The A72 cores are a huge leap in performance compared to the A53 cores of the RPi 3. These are architecturally "big" cores, as compared to the more power efficient and lower throughput "little" A53 cores of the previous model.
Btw imho the worst part about RPi is that it has poor ethernet performance. This improved a bit with RPi 3+, but still meh.