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Not my experience, it depends on the community you're talking about I guess. Here's some channels I'm on, all being so active that I have a hard time keeping up:

- https://gitter.im/scala/scala

- https://gitter.im/scala-js/scala-js

- https://gitter.im/typelevel/cats

- https://gitter.im/typelevel/cats-effect

- https://gitter.im/monix/monix

- https://gitter.im/http4s/http4s

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Which issues did you experience with http://www.artima.com/pins1ed/? (It's a slightly older version, but there aren't many changes which would be important for newbies.)

Partially free:

Atomic Scala also has at least a free sample, which expects basically no programming experience at all: http://www.atomicscala.com/free-sample/

Scala for the Impatient is also nice, but is more intended to help programmers get up to speed with Scala as fast as possible: http://www.horstmann.com/scala/index.html

2. There are places where this is true, but a lot of people seem to get hung up on the syntactic differences between e.g. "a.foo(b)" and "a foo b", which really are superficial and you learn to read past very quickly.

3. Some of these are backwards compatibility. You can get a more helpful typesystem by setting a few flags: https://tpolecat.github.io/2014/04/11/scalac-flags.html

I think you might be referring to this:


In which there is:

>Many sub-languages to learn, many with different syntaxes and semantics. For example:

> the expression language

> unsafe runtime language

> safe runtime language

> compile time language

> the type language

> the trait language

> the macro language

> the attribute language

And was discussed (122 comments):


There was a formal proposal to adopt a German syntax for Scala:


Oh! I see. It's much more concise and clean now.

But still I prefer the clojure version using pattern matching over the scala one: http://blog.klipse.tech/clojure/2016/10/25/core-match.html#f...

I prefer this one : http://www.scala-lang.org/old/node/8610

I think it's a better idea to separate skills required to use most of the language, and the ones required to create libraries.

It even supports Scala (Scala Native, that is)


I always liked HOCON for this, but it never really took off outside of some scala ecosystems: https://github.com/lightbend/config/blob/master/HOCON.md

Cool I didn't know this was a common pattern. I recently saw the same approach implemented in scala.meta [1] - it allows you to view the code as both parsed tokens with all syntax intact as well as more abstracted ASTs which only carry semantic meaning. Someone even built a code formatter called scalafmt[2] like the author mentions.

Its a really cool approach because I think we need to pay much more attention to making more/better structured data from the compiler available to tools.

[1] http://scalameta.org/tutorial/ [2] https://github.com/olafurpg/scalafmt

I've never used it but for Java there's https://gitlab.com/pika-lab/tuprolog/2p-in-kotlin ( documentation seems to be lagging but here's the 3.3 manual https://gitlab.com/pika-lab/tuprolog/2p/-/wikis/uploads/d67e... )

And specifically for Javascript there's http://tau-prolog.org/

Also pretty much every lisp that's gotten past toy stage has a Prolog implementation

Although both Sicstus and SWI have strong Java and C(++) interop https://sicstus.sics.se/sicstus/docs/latest4/html/sicstus.ht... https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/doc_for?object=packages

It's less obscure than Rust and among web developers less than Go as well. How is it obscure, really?


As I have in Python. It has issues at the high end, but with tooling they can mostly be overcome. It could be better, but I'm not complaining.

On the other had we have: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26539508

Sounds like not everything in Scalaland is sunshine and roses.

How about watches in LT - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8-b6QEN-rk

I've only used Intellij for scala and while the static analysis was pretty useful I wasn't at all impressed by the facilities for live interaction. Maybe some of that is down to the scala repl being pretty poor - perhaps if I used Intellij with python or javascript I would find it more useful.

Completely agree. Nice website examples for general purpose programming languages IMO:




For altJS languages:



Some websites that could be 'freshened up':




Some websites that definitely should be 'freshened up':



This one? https://gist.github.com/no-defun-allowed/4f0a06e17b3ce74c6ae...

It also responds to a few parents up "almost all of the innovations in lisp [...] have been absorbed into more popular languages" - pervasive interactivity hasn't even been taken up by some "Lisps", let alone has it been absorbed outside Lisp.


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