Personally I think there are more people than you think who would be perfectly happy to clean toilets as their contribution, so long as they were compensated fairly for it.
Not sure why downvoted, the problem with free toilets is that maintenance/cleaning costs money and often there isn’t enough budgeted for it. Pay toilets at least allow users to fund more frequent cleaning.
There is always a price at which people (myself included) will happily clean toilets. The problem is right now the "choice" for the people doing it is – do the job or your family goes hungry. Have you ever noticed it's always the refugees or undocumented immigrants doing it?
Yes, and then pay the toilet cleaners even more, raise prices again, and so on. A virtuous upward cycle which would eventually bring their lives more in line with everyone else's.
> "[...] whose duty is it to volunteer to clean it up?"
While this isn't applicable in all areas, a rule of thumb could be "those who making money with the people which have to use toilets".
Anecdotal example: I'm living in an amusement district of a big German City. There are very few public toilets and most of the few are paid ones. So every weekend the whole district is smelling like a big bowl of piss, except in winter when the frozen pee of multiple weekends accumulate until there is the big pee-melt.
Why not making all those bars, clubs and liqor stores pay for the maintanance of free public toilets?
Presumably, when making consistent money from a toilet, more resources can be allocated to keeping it clean and presentable. Possibly cleaned every few minutes. That would ba a horrible job.