Has there been any other work on anti-fingerprinting? Seems like just taking the fingerprinting algorithms and applying transforms that randomize the features they look for would go a long way.
> remember: very, very, very few users use anti-fingerprinting measures
At this point, Brave has 20-million-something monthly users, all of whom have fingerprint randomization enabled by default. Randomization definitely makes an individual stand out if nobody else is doing it, but it makes it almost impossible to distinguish from others using the same technique.
Honestly I wish we just had a good fingerprinting API that people could opt in to so that we didn't poison all these other good use cases with cringy “it’s gotta be anonymous so I can troll” requirements.
I upvoted this because it's the only smart comment to my post here. This is the ultimate concern.
That said, fingerprinting is only useful as a third security measure because most people don't understand its mechanics. The mechanics of avoiding being tracked are pretty basic. If our country required browsers or computers to transmit their fingerprint, people would find ways around it and it would stop being useful as a security metric.
Put another way, the moment this becomes a feature of an oppressive regime, it's one of the easiest things to work around. The obscurity is what makes it remain somewhat useful.