Gmail is really crazy slow on Firefox, it’s such a deal breaker. I have regularly 30s to load the web application, it’s closer to 2-5s on Edge with the same setup (same ad blockers, etc).
Oddly enough I haven't had too many issues with YouTube's slowness (as a Firefox user). I mean, it's slow, but "tolerable". It's the new Gmail that's horrifically slow now. It takes a good 20 seconds to get to the point where I can interact with it, and then each interaction takes another 10 seconds.
It's not just you. Gmail has become so slow to load for me that I wonder if they've deliberately sabotaged it on Firefox. Amazing how it's 2019 and web apps somehow seem to be less usable than they were ten years ago. I miss fast desktop apps.
Gmail always used to slow down Firefox so much that I switched to an email client. Now Firefox runs much much better. I regret cursing Firefox for so many months.
I was a die hard Chrome user until about 4 years ago, switched to Firefox since then and I rarely feel the need to open Chrome, which I keep around just for the occasional testing of websites.
I never had problems with YouTube. That said Gmail or the GSuite Admin are a little slower in Firefox.
But you know what?
They are slow enough in Chrome too. Latest Gmail is a piece of shit.
So the solution to that was to switch to a desktop client (Mailmate, which can handle Gmail just fine) and for my personal email I switched to FastMail. And I'm very happy about it.
Get out of the Google bubble. The air is clean on this side of the fence ;-)
Painfully slow. If you load the interface, it becomes "mostly" functional, but if you start trying to say, search your email:
1. The page will reset and reload, or,
2. Your keys will trigger a keyboard shortcut and then truly, good god damn luck because who knows how many pages of emails you'll archive with no way to undo (the toast that appears for 3 seconds is NOT sufficient, especially if you keep typing.)
Hangouts, YouTube, and Gmail are embarrassing to use. And that's not even discussing what happens in Firefox where everything is somehow nearly twice as slow.
edit: Oh, let me say, it's bad enough that if I'm on a laptop where I don't want to keep the bloated Gmail tab around in mem/cpu, I have reverted back to using the Web 1.0 / mobile-esque version of Gmail. (Which has it's own problems, attachments are broken, etc).
Just a mess. I am actively trying to move away from Google. Unfortunately, I can't find anything that is half-as-good as Google Photos.
Yeah it takes like 20 seconds to load on Firefox.. Whats they deal with that; Is that on purpose to force people to use chrome?? I'd rather drop gmail, but I'll need to change my email for like 100 accounts which will be a massive pain...
I'm seeing a lot of people saying gmail and youtube are slow in Firefox. This may not sound like a good answer, but consider using a dedicated video player such as mpv for youtube, and an email client instead of webmail.
Web browsers are some of the worst-performing software we have today. Asking them to do more than display documents and web pages never seems to go well.
I actually have the same problem with gmail. I once, as in the last 6 months, waited a good 3+ minutes (as recorded in firefox dev tools) for gmail to fully load. Switching to chrome was a dramatically better experience. I didn't mention it here thinking Google was sabotaging Firefox.
For the past 3 years I've noticed gmail being extra slow on Firefox. Every other site loads almost instantly, except gmail. Even when I used to use Facebook, it would load fairly quick. Chrome wasn't much quicker or slower. Except for gmail. Gmail loads almost instantly on Chrome. I've basically given up on using mail's web interface even though I much prefer it over all linux mail clients.
Interesting. Are you exaggerating a bit here or being accurate with those timelines? Cos Gmail is really slow on Firefox for me too, but it doesn't take half a minute to load. More like 10-15 seconds, which in this day and age is a nonsensical amount of time. Similarly operations have a 2-3 second lag. Noticeable to normal users but people like my parents wouldn't be able to see it.
The problem isn't Firefox. The problem is chrome. Since it has a biggest market share and most of the web developers use it. Websites tend to be more optimized for Chromium engine than Firefox. I moved to Firefox and Gmail and other google apps work terribly slow. I'm trying to find a new email provider now . Does anyone have recommendations?
The UI is horrible and it has already been discussed in many places, but to me the slowness is the no.1 problem. I thought it was just a hiccup when they had it on optional mode, but now it's plain slow. I've tried on different connections and different browsers and they all seem to generate the same result. Super slow loading times of the interface and the emails.
I still remember when gmail was the fastest kid on the block or when they've optimized chrome for a faster gmail. But now I'm really looking into alternatives.
Last week I've switched from chrome to firefox because of the synced login thing, and gmail will be a bit more complex to change instantly but I'll surely find a way.
Gmail might have been best of breed in 2004 on the basis of its superior spam filter, but that's certainly not the case now. In fact, with the recent change to the UI, Gmail now loads incredibly slowly or not at all on Firefox. It's bad in Chrome too, but much closer to unusable on FF.
No other webmail service I've ever used has given me the lag issues Gmail has.
Gmail is still okay once past the 2-3s loading but on YT it really test your patience every time you click on something.