Yeah, sure! The game is called Torn. It is a text-based MUD style game. People use lots of tools/scripts when playing it to improve things. Some mobile exclusive users do actually make use of apps like Kiwi on their Android phones in order to install userscripts and extensions. However some people have Apple devices (probably regretably) and as such are limited to less powerful solutions. Luckily someone made Torn PDA [1,2] which helps bridge this gap and give you some powerful tools that you can even use on iOS. If Apple was less restrictive with their browser it may be possible to do more in the browser without needing to resort to these in-app "hacks".
Cool, I wasn’t sure what it was since I only have an iOS device available to me. My first guess was some leaflet map with tiles of the game map, but this sounds more interesting to me then.
I've been playing the mobile web version daily since this hit HN. It is a great little game for those times when you are standing in a queue or waiting to see someone. Who cares who came up the idea first. Yours is very mobile friendly. Credit goes to Gabriel for that.