Tesla runs a referral program and will even give you its most expensive car for free if you do enough marketing for Tesla. I don't know how much Tesla spends on that program, but "nothing" is not a good estimate.
Sure, but the cost to Tesla was one car, one camera, one video transmitter and probably the most expensive part, a license for David Bowie's Starman.
Perhaps that's "significantly more costly than the vast majority of ad campaigns", but only because the vast majority of ad campaigns are not very costly at all (I guess the dominant ad campaign by number is a limited online or local print one for a small business, costing in the low 4 figures). Certainly it wouldn't be significantly more costly than the vast majority of ad campaigns for car manufacturers, though.
Well it's still comparatively low. I've yet to see a Tesla ad on TV, news papers or billboards and they still sell like hot cakes in my country.
If we count the full 70 million for tesla spend in marketing against an annual average of about 6 billion for Vw, Tesla comes out at $140/car and Vw comes out at $600/car or about 4 times as much pr car.
The main point I was trying to make was that for me ads are a negative towards a brand not a positive as I will suspect the quality of the product if they have to advertise.
Has anyone reference in the efficiency of such programs. It seems to me that $1000 will not make a big enough difference to make someone buy a tesla. Most of the buyers that will enjoy the rebate were probably going to buy one anyway.
On the other end the fact that the owner can get up to $10000 with the referral program might push most owner to oversell the quality of Tesla cars.
The beauty of being the first in the market. All the manufacturers with the shiny new EVs will have a higher marketing cost because Tesla is able to get the free PR and the best co-promotional deals like this one.
kind of Marketing 101 - generous policies is a must in the enthusiast luxury goods segment like $100K+ Teslas several years ago while it requires very different approach in the cheapscate mass market of $40K-50K (inflated dollars of today) cars what Tesla is in today.
It's hard to square your anecdotal experience with Tesla's actual marketing data and strategy. If people "don't care in the slightest what the price of the car is", then I doubt Tesla would be headlining major announcements with the price, e.g. "$35,000 Tesla Model 3 Available Now" [0] (there's even an exclamation mark in the first sentence). Having people unnecessarily fixate on a price like $35K seems counterproductive for Tesla, given its desire to upsell features, and natural fluctuations due to changes in tariffs and subsidies.
Actually it's the cheapest promotion that received this kind of feedback, ever. Their alternative was to use some leftover scrap for the test. The only cost was the car itself - and if Tesla/SpaceX manages to catch it in the future, it's definitely going to be the most expensive car ever.
Tesla is up front about the cost of the vehicle, save for the default display being "with fuel savings", but in any case the true cost is a click away.
Versus the dealership(Larry h Miller) advertising the car for $40k on their site, and not telling you about the $15k fee until you're in their office.
Teslas sell for over $100K a pop.
It's a rich man's toy.
http://www.nationalreview.com/article/397162/tesla-and-its-s... ...
Every time a Tesla is sold, we witness a transfer of wealth to a rich hobbyist (most Teslas are their owners’ third or fourth car), while average Americans are on the hook for at least $30,000 in federal and state subsidies. Tesla is more a regulatory arbitrageur than an auto manufacturer. In its 2014 annual report, Tesla made clear that continued special tax benefits are critical to the company’s business plan: “Our growth depends in part on the availability and amounts of government subsidies and economic incentives.”
Oh please, it was a dumb example to highlight the reality of the deal.
I am buying a Tesla. I am tired of gasoline and I like the car. I am simply not delusional as to the real cost of the thing.
Actually, I am buying two. The next one has to be an SUV though.
I just wish they didn't resort to cheap-car-salesman techniques. I had a friend get excited about buying a Tesla because he thought it would cost him $600 a month. He was not happy to learn that the real cost was closer to $1,000. Now he thinks Tesla is a huge scam. I doubt he will ever consider their cars again.
Based on that data point alone I have a feeling this creative financing campaign could be damaging their image to some degree.
Tesla doesn't have a cheap car. For a lot of the world a car that in practice starts at about $40k is just too expensive. In Europe for example the best sold cars are around $20-25-30k, max.
You can only sell so many cars by selling to the top 20% of the market.
Definitely but I think goes into the marketing/advertising category. But either way almost every other car company has an end sales person used to jack up the price, while tesla can sell cars at a fixed price off a website. And this is solely because of the perceived quality of the product.
Lol you are quoting marketing material at me now... When Tesla becomes a affordable car seller then ok they will no longer be a company that specializes in selling very expensive cars to a wealthy niche.
I looked up the price points, they are accurate... so fuck you and your condescending tone.
But it should also be noted that they don't advertise it as the price of a Tesla but the cost, or "the true cost of owning a Tesla". Cost and price are 2 different things.
My problem though is that I don't think that they got the math right.
It's like saying: you spend 3000$ every month. A trip to Las Vegas would cost you an additional 1000$. But if you don't go to Las Vegas you are saving 1000$ and now your "true" spending is only 2000$ this month.
What they should have said is: non EV - car X has a monthly price of 1200$ and Tesla Model S also has a monthly price 1200$.
For car X you have some additional monthly costs of 1000$ but for the Tesla, the additional costs are only 300$. So the total cost for you would be 2200$ for having car X and only 1500$ for Tesla.
Or something like that.
I believe there was a whole year of announcements from Tesla about making cheaper vehicles. They chose to make the more expensive models (better business) but it means I won't buy one (budget).
Tesla runs a referral program and will even give you its most expensive car for free if you do enough marketing for Tesla. I don't know how much Tesla spends on that program, but "nothing" is not a good estimate.