At $150, how much of that is the cost of the Windows 10 license that it comes with? I'm assuming that it doesn't meet the specifications required for Windows 11, too.
Win 10 Home is only $110 from Newegg or Amazon, and less if you get the "OEM" version. I forget the restrictions on the OEM version, but I think its intended for people building systems and reselling them -- I don't think anything stops you from using it on your own system, its just technically in violation of the licence.
Licensing isn't an issue: a standard Windows 10 Pro license is processor-independent and includes a single-seat virtualization license. If Apple allowed it, you could even use the same license for virtualization and BootCamp like you can on amd64 macs.
Most x86 hardware comes with Windows license already. If build your own, I bought a Windows 11 Pro license last week for $13. Cost shouldn't be an issue.
Most people are paying them money for a version of windows that works with the hardware they are buying. You won't be able to find an OEM selling win 7 on a ryzen box, for example.
If you buy a separate license, you should be aware of compatibility as well.
They have a very low cost license for OEMs that sell cheap devices - those get upgraded to Windows 10 for free. I can't find a source for Win 10 licensing but I'd be surprised if they aren't continuing the zero dollar licensing for a subset of devices.
I'm not sure Microsoft would let you sell Windows on non-certified hardware. That is you would have to use non-oem license and it will be more expensive for you. So the prices probably wouldn't be similar.