The price they pay is having me or the conductor telling them to knock it off. Public transport is uncomfortable enough without having to listen to their shitty music selection.
Maybe the onus shouldn't be on people to request the music be turned off, but on people not blasting loud music in public nature spaces in the first place?
This is just the kid on the bus/train playing music on his phone speaker. Wear headphones or play the music at a noise/distance that doesn't disturb others.
It happens in London too. It's just bad manners to sit and loudly play your poor taste in music out loud on a bus or train rather than on headphones. It's not limited to any particular racial group though; it's usually just young men.
I sometimes listen to music, through headphones, when I'm travelling on my own on a train. Since I regularly make the same journey, it can get a little boring. I'm not always in the mood for work and I don't always carry a book/magazine with me; music is an excellent alternative. I wouldn't dream of playing that music out loud, inflicting it upon everyone else.
That's the boring explanation. It may lack the keen social commentary that the article speculates on, but it happens to be true.
I mean, that looks a lot like he hated buskers which is not the same thing. Indeed, it is an attitude I'm extremely sympathetic to. Noisy intrusive music that one cannot avoid is pretty damned unreasonable imo
I actually quite like classical music, but there are times I really don’t want to listen to a solo violin performance. On the way to the subway would almost certainly be one those times. Another such time is tonight, when I immediately had to mute my phone sound when that video started.
There is no way to tell the difference in a subway station, even for an instrument as loud as a violin. Moreover, no one goes to the subway to listen to music.
It's disgraceful to use such a device that deliberately targets the young. I can hear it and it's a annoying as shit and I'm 32. AFAIK they have now been thankfully been banned in the UK/Ireland.
In London, TFL has found the same effect can be hard without some discrimination by playing classical music.