Is he though or is this an attempt to discredit a competitor? This guy is a journalism in a era when newspapers and other forms of tradition media are dying. Journalism is seen as a joke, partisan, propaganda, and even an enemy of the State by large swatches of the public.
"Journalism is a method of inquiry and literary style that aims to provide a service to the public by the dissemination and analysis of news and other information."[1]
Is that not what he's doing? Is he just gratifying a need to be heard or something? I don't think so, it looks like he's attempting to perform journalism as described by this paragraph, and he falls short in some ways.
He's more journalist than most. Reprinting Twitter spats and press releases does not make you a journalist. Publishing newsworthy information in the public interest does.
This article really does seem to exemplify what's wrong with modern journalism. It pretends to be attacking the idea, but spends a large portion of the article attacking the man behind it instead.
He appears to be acting as an investigative reporter. Such acts have a long history of naming and shaming people, even ones that were not previously public figures. That he writes for his own publication is not really material to the fact that he is acting as a reporter.
calling that guy a journalist is hilariously disingenuous. the guy that has been caught doctoring and falsely editing literally everything that he has produced?
He's catering to an audience of hateful people that can't even eat breakfast without it being in bad faith. He is weeks away from an expose telling you that actually the confederacy landed on the moon first.
Being a contrarian fool that argues blindly without accepting or understanding reality and context is de rigueur on this website, it's disgusting
and telling as to why the industry is so self-serving and fraud-ridden
wow, from just this one side of the story, it definitely paints the journalist as a total scumbag.
however, the replies here to my comment make it come across like i was attacking the journos. i was actually making commentary on how the corpMedia companies have been treating the newsroom in favor for the new hotness of social platforms