I have this problem too. They could've mostly solved it by just making the keyboard work wirelessly while detached. (Surface with kickstand on the coffee table, keyboard in my lap.)
Also, keyboards need to be split apart and attached to a chair like the DataHand keyboard (without the connecting board) of years ago. Typing on a single thing in front of you is asking for body wear and tear.
Also under no circumstances use a laptop keyboard for extended periods of time. Most of them are very unergonomic. And stop using touchpads if you use them.
I have no idea why laptop keyboards are so important to people; they’re all terrible. Use a better, external keyboard when you’re stationary, your wrists will thank you.
Especially since it seems like even pre-pandemic laptops operated 80% of the time from a fixed position anyways.
It’s more about the affordances. I can’t trust notion not to drop into some command system. Therefore I need to keep my monitor turned on when typing. If I can’t type with the monitor turned off, it must not be a very reliable word processor.
I'm writing this in bed with a laptop on my lap. The bluetooth keyboard (at least the one Apple has) is just not functional in this position. And I do a surprisingly large amount of work in bed.
My solution when traveling was to rest the keyboard on a bit of acrylic over the keyboard. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZRltWhpA6x/
(I didn't like the idea of resting an external keyboard on the laptop's keyboard directly).