Yes, basically, it's written on Twitter because more people will see it there. On Twitter it needs to be broken into multiple posts anyway, but the post is broken into a few more than necessary so it breaks at more natural points and fits the common style on Twitter for post series like these.
I personally find this content delivery method, where a small essay is split into tweet blocks with links and unrelated imagery, very annoying to read and ultimately disrespectful to the reader.
Personally I'm not a huge fan because of how spaced out the text content is. So many images breaking the flow of thought. Id rather blocks of text and then a gallery of images. But you get what you get. A string of tweets is better than nothing.
I think because Twitter is where their audience is. As annoying as it is to read on Twitter, posting it as multiple tweets also allows people to like/retweet individual and multiple parts of the essay which probably increases the essay’s overall reach/engagement.
I think it's great. I would never read this if it was an essay. I love how you need to distill every point into a small tweet. The constraints forces you to compress it into a stream of tl;drs.
I HATE when people split up a long paragraph into tweets like this. It's absolutely the worst format for reading long text. You can only read one sentence at a time, and you have to read them backwards! If you can't fit an argument in a single tweet, link to a blog post!