He never said not to tell anyone but he brought up several such details while we were working together. The information wasn’t really helpful for anything in that it wasn’t relevant to our work (making software).
I never revealed the info because it was said in confidence. But we weren’t really that close so it stood out to me.
My example was made up but the actual factoids were about medical issues and bodily functions. It wasn’t creepy or anything just not something I would want widely known.
If you didn't know him and he didn't know you (let's say he got drunk and let it slip when you were driving him in your cab), that's OK for you, not for him.
If you were his wife or his partner in another business or his golf buddy or his therapist, that's generally not OK for you. It also would be illegal for him (I think) since he explicitly told you to trade on the information, but if he just said "things are really busy at work, we're getting a big government grant tomorrow" and there was some expectation you could keep a secret, he might be safe.
I wouldn’t use it maliciously, but I would honestly think twice about disclosing it. I think that’s especially true for anyone that doesn’t have a way to gain from the publicity.