Pull to refresh is currently only enabled in Firefox Nightly on Android. There are still some open bugs to be fixed related to pull to refresh gesture breaking some websites.
Thanks for raising this, I'll take a look when I get the chance. Firefox mobile can be quite tricky, and I must admit that I completely forgot to test on it before taking the site live - my apologies!
I tried it on mobile and it's interesting that quite a lot of websites are broken. Many tapping workflows I had in Chrome on Android are fully broken in Firefox. From simple deepl.com to Google products that look like they dropped FF support.
Even Reddit on Firefox PC crashes occasionally (the whole site turns white while browsing). Reddit on FF on Android is barely browsable.
If anyone from the firefox mobile team is here: please fix the bug where you can't scroll through the tabs when they overflow. Also opening whatsapp links for some reason doesn't open whatsapp but chrome does. This bug and several other nuance things made me go back to chrome mobile which is unfortunate. Especially with the fact that chrome mobile doesn't support plugins.
I am a happy firefox user and the print preview is one of the very few things that made me open chrome backup.
Because it's 100% just a missing feature in Firefox mobile, there's nothing website developers should add to "make it work" on it.