Hey there, I think I may have already spoken with you. Got connected with the Seattle office through Triplebyte, then bounced over to an ATX hiring manager due to my being located in Austin. Took that call while running around NYC, in case it was you who I spoke with and you recall that.
Thank you! Sent a message on LinkedIn, wasn’t able to get my email to send, tried David @ Markforged. If you accept my connection request I’d gladly send my resume over.
A recruiter reached out from the Austin office. I respect what you guys do as a company, and I was hoping to ask some questions about the general culture, interview process, etc.
Twitter is the easiest way I can think of to exchange info (@loeschg)
Would you mind resending your resume to me? My email's in my profile. We're far from perfect at hiring here, and lots of things slip through the cracks. I love that you reached out via HN and I'd be happy to Skype with you about specific opportunities this week if you have some time and are still interested.
I'd still encourage you to get in touch -- right now we're hiring specifically for Dallas, but we're definitely going to keep expanding the Austin mothership, and we're always on the hunt for awesome people.
If PMing on here is a thing idk how to do it. https://www.linkedin.com/in/a-zhu, adam@adamz.hu