Hi, sorry I missed your reply. The email was indeed missing and it was added short after posting it here. You can just email me at xavi at vocdoni.io.
The documentation is a big beast and our source of truth, I'll highly appreciate if you can point me to the broken links.
Oh no! I couldn't find the email in question- it's entirely possible that I deleted it off my phone accidentally. Please re-send and I'll get back to you tonight
Just checked - I don't appear to have received the email.
It's possible the spam filter ate it, though I didn't find it in my Junk folder. You can send it to evan@ the same domain if it turns out that that is the case.
Also - this is an open invitation. Anyone who wishes to discuss this from any perspective (or honestly anything interesting) is welcome to send me a message.
if you already sent an email please try again, my obfuscated email might have been a bit too ambiguous, I've corrected it. And once you do I can take it down.
Though, I guess if you don't want to please let me know too so I can take it down.