Are there any alternatives that actually let humans do this? Perhaps a site that employs some game mechanics? First to summarize, +10 points. Correction, +5 points. Request to summarize (bounties), +n points.
Have you been engaging in actions that potentially earn you reputation points, e.g., editing or answering questions? If not, that's why. If you have, but your contributions have gone unrewarded, that's an SO problem.
Get rid of the whole point system. I go to HN for the community, not to collect points. It seems to provide incentives for the wrong behavior, even tho I understand that it was originally intended to do the exact opposite.
A community stands or falls on the quality of the interactions. Therefore to a certain extent, you have to let it thrive or die on its own.
Solely my opinion, but I see points as getting in the way, motivating bad behavior, and not relevant to why I come to HN.
I am a newbe with the points systems, -4 ??..but we all know employees like to win prizes!. This idea has had positive feedback from many clients for those that engage in our beta testing.
I have lots of points to give away though