Instead of not providing reasons you don't agree with, it would be better UI to provide them but if selected deny the action with an explanation.
I think I saw this done on TripleByte's website during the sign-up process where they filter applications outside of the US (and a few other criteria) with an explanation and a promise that they were trying to fix this.
What I dislike about the attitude of many businesses
towards Nigeria is the way they just dismiss the
country with a wave of their hand.
I've thought about it before, and wish it was easier to do and that there was more of it.
I get lots of ssh connection attempts and spam from the third world. I don't regularly communicate with anyone there. It would fabulous if there was a way I could tell my servers to block traffic from vast ranges of IP addresses that are known to be located outside of the first world.
Some people wouldn't be able to email me or read my website, but it would be a good tradeoff for me.
Think of it this way: imagine that paypal suddenly
decided to exclude Arizona from using Paypal because
it has a higher statistical likelihood of fraud.
They're an independent business. They're free to choose who they deal with.
>1. You may want to invite suggestions via the website itself so that visitors don't get the wrong impression that you're just some affiliate for transferwise.
I tried some random tests and often Transferwise was the only result, so at first sight I had that impression.
Maybe you could add a "detail" drop down menu (or whatever) where you list all the services you considered with "service not available from country A to country B".
As a side note, it seems to me like the "engine" has only a small subset of states/countries.
I think their approach to region blocking is a bit rude. First, they pretend that I can sign up, but then they paddle back once I entered the login code. Why waste my time like that?
Also I do not understand why they are region blocking at all. If they are worried about GDPR, they should not let me enter an email address.
It's definitely dealing in edge-cases, and I think there's a middle-ground where you make sure people are aware of the edge-case conditions they're approaching, without necessarily irritating people to whom they don't apply.
So on the one hand, making it clear what the region you're buying into actually is would be really nice, and on the other hand (as suggested) making it clear when you've crossed into an edge case and there are things in you're account that you're about to lose access to, or that you might expect to see but can't, would make resolving this kind of issue much easier. And wouldn't bother the 99% of people who haven't switched their account region after "buying" something.
In general, I find this approach incredibly annoying. Usually I would rather see the canonical version of a given site.
Hypothetical example: because I'm running Linux and in the US, a site shows me content/software geared towards US Linux users. However I am trying to find a solution for a Windows issue with my girlfriend's laptop, who is based in Ireland.
And a similar but different anecdote: Steam has consistently refused to let me pay for games with my US credit card while I'm in Europe. I have to use a VPN for the payment to process. Wat?
I find it really annoying as a non-EU citizen using a site in a non-EU country but still having to dismiss these warnings even on mobile devices (where it can be much harder to hit the link/button).
The Internet doesn't care what country I'm from, so why are we designing it that way? The same goes for non-US content restrictions as well.
It's not that they are being sneaky - it's just that I'd like it to be more obvious. As someone outside of the US, I find it annoying when I sign up for a new service only to be told it's US only at the last minute.
If you are US only, that's cool - just remember to make that clear. Or at least do something useful with my info: "We are currently US only, but if you would like us to contact you when we expand, please click here"
One of the core issues here is the typical US-centric viewpoint that proposed a law affecting sites hosted in other nations. Which makes it annoying that the petition link requires a US zipcode. Just a little thing, but it irks me.
There's no indication that it's a yet-to-be-introduced requirement that will block 100+ countries including the user's own - and a footnote in the sidebar would not be the appropriate place for that.
If it's being sold in their country, works for their friends, and works for months after they purchased it - I think most people won't have reason to think twice about it (if they noticed it in the first place), or just be given the impression that the account is something handled automatically in the background.
Even if the notice clearly and correctly stated "We're taking payment from people in your country, but will prevent it being played in a few months", I think people are right to protest arbitrary enshittification of purchased products.
I suspect if you access the site from an EU IP address you’ll see an option besides “Accept All”. The layout [0] even seems to leave room for where this other button might be.
edit: looking at the code I even see references to a “Reject All” button as well as an XHR request to a geolocation endpoint.
I have seen countless people raising issues about why they can't use some services and after some time the people from the service will finally tell them it's because they aren't in the US. All of this can be simply solved with a simple "Only available in the US" in the front page. And if Google is to be believed human support is quite pricy.
And no, it isn't complicated. Not for designers or developers. (I am not a good designer but I have developed many websites.)
I think I saw this done on TripleByte's website during the sign-up process where they filter applications outside of the US (and a few other criteria) with an explanation and a promise that they were trying to fix this.
That form of UI is unusual but very friendly.