I can flag, I can appeal, but it doesn’t change the attitude of the community. Apparently, SO community is trained for years to close vote every question they don’t understand.
Once I was really motivated to reopen a question. It was an interesting question, it had 2 well written answers, one of them mine. Also it was from a new user account.
I’ve spent hours trying to get or reopened, wrote questions on meta, wrote many more messages in chats, edited the question so I’m 100% sure it fits the site.
This discouraged me from answering questions on that site. I don’t do web development, I don’t program Java, JS or Python. But the majority of SO community are web developers. The questions I find good and interesting, they find too broad and unclear what’s asked.
I feel like this happened to me recently. I encountered a C++ question that I felt I could contribute an answer to, but it had been closed 10 years earlier.
I opened a meta thread about it, and a helpful high rep user reopened it, only for a bunch of even higher rep users to come in and ruthlessly shut everything down, including deleting the answer I submitted. I've never seen a community so hostile toward someone trying to add value.
I'm a user with 150k rep on SO. I'm not a casual user.
However, I have been discouraged from using the site in recent years due to too many disagreements over closing and downvoting questions when actually just getting a little bit more clarification from the person asking the question would have helped a lot more.
I've answered over 1,000 questions, ranging from very simple beginner level to some things that took a good deal of research or debugging to answer. I've seen my fair share of poor questions. If a question is completely off topic, then sure, I click the "close" button immediately.
However, if it's on topic, and about some identifiable issue, but not specific enough, too poorly worded, or doesn't include a code sample, or the like, then I post a comment requesting clarification, and listing how they can improve their question. In some cases, they actually work with me, improve the question, and then I or someone else can answer it. In some cases, they just ignore my comments or continue with requests to just give them the code or the like, in which at that point I find it worth a downvote or close vote.
But a lot of the times, I've seen perfectly good questions that were just a little confusingly worded, however I was able to tease out what they were getting at, I've done some research to find the answer, and come back, only to find the questions closed. Now I have an answer for the question, but can't actually post it. If I vote to reopen, sometimes even after editing it to clarify or getting the OP to edit it, it will generally languish with one or two reopen votes. Sometimes I'll then post on meta to complain about this behavior; people being way to quick to close. This will frequently lead to enough people clicking through to reopen it, but also a torrent of complaints about how the question really is bad and how we shouldn't let this kind of stuff on the site because it's destroying the community.
The thing is, bad questions don't destroy the community. If they're bad questions, they'll generally fall off the front page and get forgotten about. They don't really cause much in the way of problems; they're just a few extra bits. But this hostile behavior does destroy the community. It pushes beginners away, who may ask better questions later once they get a bit more of a handle on what they're doing. And it pushed people like me away; people who are there to help, and willing to do so even for beginners.
I think that Stack Overflow is a very different thing than MathOverflow. Professional programmers sometimes run into thing that they need to do that they are complete beginners at; you may have years of experience writing Java, but then you wind up needing to integrate with and write a plugin for something written in Ruby, and you really have very little experience with it and so don't know where to look. Due to the huge numbers of different languages, APIs, platforms, and so on, rapid pace of change, and shortage of qualified people with the exact relevant experience, almost everyone is a beginner at something they are doing at some point in their career.
Furthermore, some people just don't know how to ask good questions online. It's a skill that takes some time to learn. If you're asking a question to someone in person, they may already have more context about what you're doing, or will be able to more easily ask you questions to clarify and sit down with you to work through it, while asking good questions online can involve a certain amount of preparation in advance to narrow the issue down to a self contained, reproducible test case, to phrase the question appropriately, and so on.
So while I agree that complete junk should be closed and delete, and people who just post "plz gimmeh teh codez" should be discouraged, I am really frustrated by the way people extend that to things that are just beginner questions, poorly worded questions from people who aren't good at asking questions online or aren't good at English, or the like.
> I don't know anything about how the SO community works, but I suspect they resent the site's status as a kind of reference to be accessed through search engine results, and would rather all it's users to be active members of the community.
Why do you think that? I guess I'm a member of that community and really don't care how people reach SO. The site is also saturated to some extent now... There's a good chance that your question's already been asked, so I don't expect the site will get many new active users really. Maybe with some new languages/frameworks becoming popular - but if you're writing C for example, you're very unlikely to get actively involved in SO at all. It's still a good reference place for C.
> the community dislikes questions that are answered in documentation or elsewhere on the internet
"the community" is not an uniform blob. On one hand side it's tiring - if someone didn't bother to do a single obvious search, why should I spend time writing the answer. On the other, if you do answer that, the are rules about including actual answer and not just linking to a document which may disappear in the future.
> the question has been locked for being unconstructive, off-topic, (wrongly) a duplicate, whatever
You can vote to reopen. Or if you can't, you can flag for moderator attention and say why it should be reopened.
Not just for new users. I’ve been using SO since 2009, have over 7k reputation there and 375 answers, but recent changes make me want to stop using it.
The problem I encounter most often, the community tends to closevote hard questions instead of answering them.
E.g. I recently asked a question on SO, for Linux C API to monitor WiFi signal strength for the connected network.
10 minutes later it got a vote to close “migrate to superuser”. I immediately updated the question explaining that I only interested in C API. An hour later it got closed as offtopic. I flagged to mod, nothing happened. It gathered a few votes to reopen but not enough to reopen. And now it’s just deleted by “Community” saying “RemoveAbandonedClosed”.
Not to mention that it's not noobies that are affected. I've had many questions closed and only to be reopened once I made my case. I've had comments where people THANKED me for asking it because they had the exact same question and that I had reopened it. I got sick and tired of doing this so I pretty much unmotivated to post any new questions (or maybe 500 questions is enough)
It was closed and re-opened a few times (full revision history: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/posts/46716/revisions).
Every time that question got shared somewhere, it started getting crap answers instantly, everyone ignored the fantastic community curated top voted answer and went ahead and added yet another one liner saying "learn css".
No one wants that question closed, but at the same time only a handful of people actively prune it every now and then. Right now it's open, but if it starts generating crap answers yet again, we might close it. And then silently re-open it when no one's looking, hoping that the next troll that visits the site won't notice.
However, keep in mind closed doesn't mean dead, we have lots of great (but closed) questions (http://programmers.stackexchange.com/search?tab=votes&q=...), if at some point a question becomes incredibly troublesome, closing it is the easy - and reversible - fix. Killing crap answers, rewording the question to be a bit more specific, etc, is a very slow process, but it happens.
Let's put it this way. Just about any programming question I google leads me to SO. Just about every one of those links are "closed as not helpful by the moderators" (paraphrased). Google thinks it is a useful question. I think it is a useful question. The questioner thought it was useful, as did the people that answered the question before it was closed. If it quacks like a duck....
This is why I don't bother with SO anymore. I once spent a good 45 minutes carefully explaining how something worked to somebody that was obviously a beginner. When I went to submit the answer, I was informed that I couldn't because a moderator had closed the question.
When I asked the person why it was closed, I was informed it was too broad and not a 'good fit' for SO. Of course it was broad, beginners don't know what they don't know. I then looked up this persons history to the first questions that they had asked themselves. I was not at all surprised to see that they were all very similar types of questions to the one that was just closed.
I pointed this out and how their questions had gotten 50+ upvotes and multiple answers which then led them to help others and become a mod vs this poor person that will never bother using SO again. His response? SO has changed, it's not for beginners anymore.
The trouble is that the proportion of quality content that ends up getting closed for arbitrary, capricious, and downright infuriating reasons (just read the text of the "explanation" in this case) is enormous. Often when looking for answers on Stack Overflow I find all of the useful answers are closed. This makes no sense and reflects the stubborn attitudes of the decision makers there, nothing else.
They can say whatever they want. But they are not and never will be.
Their community management tools are awful and the philosophy they and the moderators abide to is that questions/answers must be closed as soon as possible.
For example: take one question such as "how to do X in Y". The answer today is "not possible". it is accepted. done. Tomorrow it is "now you use Y.abc" and that old question will never be updated because the person who asked is not interested anymore, or worse, it might even be locked. This is a very common pattern. There's also thousands of the "A: copy and past this, which i do not understand either" which completely kills any knowledgeable discussion.
Ironically I see this the day after I've decided to quit Stack Overflow due to interacting with moderators.
For the last few months I've been in the habit of searching for algorithm questions, and answering them for fun. And then http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11314077/algorithm-for-ex... came along. It was the most fun algorithm question that I had seen in the last week. I put a fair amount of effort into rewriting a response I learned a nice trick from into a response that programmers with no theoretical background should be able to understand. But 4 moderators decided that it should be closed despite multiple votes, stars, and so on.
I then asked at http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/138678/can-we-please... and the immediate response was that I got downvoted into oblivion, the question got deleted by clearly senior members of the community (it since has become undeleted, but there is no question what the "wise elders" think should have happened), and I got a lesson in what they really do and do not want to see on their site.
I understand what they are aiming for, and clearly what I find fun is simply not a fit for what they want on their site. The site that they'd like me to go to instead is http://http://cs.stackexchange.com/. I looked. It is practically dead in comparison. What little does appear there seems strongly geared towards computer science students. Given that I'm self-taught in CS, I doubt I'll stay there.
So, goodbye Stack Overflow. I wonder how many other people you don't see there any more.
I asked a question yesterday that was voted to close within 5 minutes by an admin, followed by 3 more. It was a normal programming question in an area I needed help in. Luckily, several non-admins helped me out and answered my question. I consider myself an experienced programmer but programming is so broad and quickly evolving. Sometimes we just need a nudge in the right direction on new topics. I'm sure others are in the same boat. That is no longer acceptable with SO.
I used to be a daily visitor to SO and was active in the early days when Jeff and Joel were active and I felt part of the community. After recently seeing moderators rampantly closing questions as if to say 'I consider your question unproductive or unintelligent by my standards', I rarely visit.
Apparently Code Golf is considered a valid question while questions lacking extreme detail that may help people are not.....
I agree with this 100%. I'd say at least 50% of questions on StackExchange sites are closed as non-constructive or the like. That number might be way off, but that's what it feels like to me. Much of the important questions are closed because the mods consider them useless, even when the users might not. I've been blocked from 2 StackExchange sites, and I hadn't asked more than 1 question on both of them, and they weren't noob questions either. I've noticed this that when communities, forums, heck, even IRC channels get too crowded, know-it-alls and self-proclaimed gods become a major part of the community, and they don't think twice about calling the newcomer stupid or worthless. They think this makes them look smart or wise, but really, it only makes them look like an asshole.
> As for the "attitude" towards new users, this happens only when the user posts a bad question
This is not true in my experience. Several times in the past month, I've googled for some problem or other and found a StackExchange question with my exact problem and several useful solutions, which had been closed because a moderator deemed it insignificant or overly broad. I understand the need for community standards in a site like this, but if your standards are getting in the way of the actual questions people want to ask, you need to change the standards, not crack down on legitimate use.
Yeah, that was the "Too Localized" reason - it was actually aimed more at things like "where's the error in this 500-line code dump?" but... uh, no one understood that. So we got rid of it about a year ago.
There is a small but vocal population of users who will use any excuse to close questions they already know the answer to, regardless of how clearly-written or novel they are. That's... kinda insane, but in a community-moderated system there's a bit of a learning curve for everyone, including those moderating. If you see something that strikes you as wholly inappropriate (e.g., a good question closed for a bs reason, not a bad question closed for the wrong reason), don't hesitate to bring it up on meta for review: http://meta.stackoverflow.com
Questions are closed by voting just as they can be reopened by voting. You do need a certain level of rep to vote either way. So the closing and reopening trends for better or worse reflects the community using SO, not just some cabal of mods.
A closed question only needs 5 votes to reopen, if I remember correctly. So if there are massive amounts of people who wants a question reopened it should be possible.
Not disputing some people are overzealously closing qestions, and this problem should be addressed - just saying it is just as easy to vote against closing.
I answer questions on SO mostly for fun. I find it entertaining to answer hard questions. Sometimes I learn interesting things while I write an answer. Other times people post interesting comments to my answers. Flagging, appealing closes, and other BS politics is not fun at all.
Unfortunately, over the last couple of years consensus, policies, and/or something else has changed. The questions that I find interesting to answer (hard ones, and related to my area of expertise which is desktop development, 3D graphics, SIMD, CAD/CAM and a few others) are now either too broad, or unclear what’s asking. A few times the close voters closed the question even before I’m able to write an answer.
I’m probably too old and too lazy to make my voice heard. Apparently, web site owners now want SO to specialize on web development, and on deadly boring questions about it, like “how do I format date and time in PHP”, where an answer can be found within 2 minutes of using a search engine. SO is not my personal web site. If that’s what owners want, so be it.
Once I was really motivated to reopen a question. It was an interesting question, it had 2 well written answers, one of them mine. Also it was from a new user account.
I’ve spent hours trying to get or reopened, wrote questions on meta, wrote many more messages in chats, edited the question so I’m 100% sure it fits the site.
It got reopened, then closed within days, with the exact same reason “too broad”. https://stackoverflow.com/q/57323981
This discouraged me from answering questions on that site. I don’t do web development, I don’t program Java, JS or Python. But the majority of SO community are web developers. The questions I find good and interesting, they find too broad and unclear what’s asked.