Not sure about bing, but DuckDuckGo is basically Yahoo with the search spam filtered out. On heavily spammed searches DDG has become noticeably better, IMO.
The reason that Bing and DuckDuckGo have such similar results is that DDG uses Bing's search API, so the comparison here is only really between Bing and Google.
Isn't DuckDuckGo just a wrapper around Bing search results? I see lots of complaints about DDG search results but those complaints should be directed to Bing, not DDG.
(I understand that DDG does some value-add to the results returned by the Bing API).
I use Bing and DuckDuckGo somewhat interchangeably. Bing is particularly useful at work since I'm usually looking up Microsoft support issues (and they pay you to use their search in Amazon gift cards, which is nice), and DDG is obviously much better for privacy.
Can't use duckduckgo. It's just dreadful. If it's a wrapper for bing, then it's a shit wrapper because they're actually worse than bing. I get different results for the same search and ddg is by far the worst. Right now I'm using a searx endpoint. Waaaaay better.
Yes, but what the comments are saying is that DDG has an advantage over other searches because their bangs allow anyone to easily use another websites search function, so by using DuckDuckGo you aren’t limited to Bing and DDGs search.
Whatever DDG does to Bing, it makes it worse. I recently switched from DDG to Bing and the difference is colossal - 95% of the time it’s as good as Google.
Bing is actually much better than DDG (for recent near real time results) and now it's in many cases better than Google (less SEO spam, probably due to its size). It is also more politically neutral than Google in its results - I started out using Bing for anything politics related, but now switched for many technical and financial searches too.
My understanding is that Duck Duck Go is more or less a non personalized Bing search with paid upranking for Amazon products. As it is Bing is pretty solid, though the privacy boost DDG provides is not worth the drop in quality.
DDG is a search aggregator, and uses a bunch of different engines behind the scenes. One of them is Bing. They provide a list of the engines they use.
Personally, I find DDG gives me the best results of all the engines I've tried, including Google. But plenty of other people have different experiences. My hypothesis is that it depends on what you're searching for and how you write the search query.
I like that DuckDuckGo uses Bing as a source and DDG acts as a proxy to Bing. Bing is a huge personal-data grab by Microsoft and all their recent AI is just cruft I will never use, personally.
There's more to the services DDG offers than just private search via Bing. DDG has built its own technology around specific types of searches and queries. The main search product is powered by Bing, but it's not fair to say it's just "a Bing frontend".
DDG is essentially Bing made more private, with a little Yandex. I use it, because I like the privacy, but I don't think they deserve the credit for search result quality.
FYI DDG just uses the bing API and then does some fancy stuff on top of it, so technically they're not a "better search engine" they're just a prettier bing.
"DuckDuckGo gets its results from over one hundred sources, including DuckDuckBot (our own crawler), crowd-sourced sites (like Wikipedia, which are stored in our own index), Yahoo! (through BOSS), Yandex, WolframAlpha, Yelp, and Bing."
I also don't see "we don't track" as a liability, given that Google themselves get relatively little by way of relevance from profiling (though it may contribute to ad sales). Rather (and this is straight from a Google engineer): "It's really hard to do much better in search advertising than current query + location."