I'm curious about why you want to develop your own toolkit and what will differentiate it from the others. Will it draw its own widgets, or wrap platform-native toolkits?
Two things. IMHO (of course) and GUI toolkit needs to be usable from other languages, I hope that's part of the plan. And also, Don't use platform-specific features or be a wrapper over their widgets. Be a GUI toolkit that works everywhere.
ditto, especially interested in toolkits with a wide range of widget types -- grids, trees, accordions. You know, because I want to write a GUI like it's 2004. (no sarcasm)
Looks interesting, I come from a Qt background so cross-platform toolkits always have a bit of interest for me. It does seem like it's definitely for people building highly customised interfaces, rather than looking for OS-based look and feel but there's some nice bits. I think I'll give it a whirl when I've got time for a side project.
But what cross-platform native toolkits really work and are easy to get started with? I would love to see some sort of CSS -> native GUI UI kit, or maybe something like what Sublime Text has if it were open-sourced.
I don't know how far one can go with this approach, but if this project works, I believe one could built on top of it to create more powerful UI toolkits. The advantage would be that, unlike things such as Qt and GTK which draw their own widgets on top of (I think) a OpenGL "canvas", this one uses the platform native UI widgets.. Tl-dr: this approach is lighter and sanner because it leaves the "drawing" burden to the OS itself..
Always exciting to learn about a new UI toolkit, especially one that's cross platform. I don't know Fortran nor would I be able to afford to pay for such a tool. Are there any interesting design decisions or details about this framework that other UI toolkits could learn from?
I've looked into building cross-platform GUI toolkits before and I think you're underselling the difficulty pretty considerably. To build these toolkits, you need expertise in everything from graphics programming to text rendering (which itself is surprisingly pernicious: https://gankra.github.io/blah/text-hates-you/) to accessibility and more. And then there are things which are just "regular hard" like constraint solvers for layout engines, designing a decent API, etc.
Re: I think that UI toolkit should use native widgets and near zero cost FFI.
If the target audience is cross-platform, that's hard to pull off. Each OS's native GUI engine is too different. Emulating a common target behavior is usually better (until a good general GUI standard comes along). Maybe your particular need is not cross-platform, but Lazarus's goal is.