I am a big fan of Nim. It's one of the few languages that gets me excited lately as it feels like you can do pretty much anything that you could do in C++ but in simplified code and shorter dev times.
Nim has a beautiful syntax, I feel a bit like i am getting the expressiveness and ease of F# but with much better performance and nice small executables instead of byte code that needs a runtime. c interop being easy and no cost is also very nice.
I've been using Nim in side projects for the past year or so. I really love the language, to the point where its replaced Python/Node as my language for utilities. Some of the qualities I like:
1) Its really easy to get started with. The default runtime has a GC for memory management, and the typing system is pretty similar to other popular languages. You can pick up the syntax in a day, the basic semantics in a weekend, and the more advanced semantics in a month.
2) Its fast and reliable. If the code compiles, it probably works, and it's probably a tier faster than a scripting language. Maybe not as bulletproof as Rust, but the ease of use is worth it for me. It can even reach C speeds, but that does require some advanced knowledge. Again, the default runtime is probably fast enough.
3) Powerful language features. I know there are a lot of people out there happy using C. I'm glad that works for them, but features like case objects, generics, and closures are part of the abstraction tools that I use to get stuff done. Nim also boosts what might be the best macro system for a static typed language, which is very helpful for framework developers.
Wonderful; though I've been using it for quite literally years at this point. It's pretty rapid compile times, coupled with easy-as-anything C integration meant writing performant CLI tools or daemons with it was a breeze.
The nicest part of Nim I feel is that it was super easy for non-Nim programmers to pick up and understand. The team would regularly contribute to the tooling despite not using it anywhere near as extensively as myself, which I think speaks volumes to it's ease-of-use
But in the specific case of Nim - AFAIK there aren't that many languages around with a similar set of characteristics. For me the killer is the combination of GC (I am quite fine with not having to bother with memory management), readability, reasonable high levelness including closures etc, nice OO support, extremely good C and C++ interop and really good performance.
nim truly deserves more love,it is my lang to pick up this year,safe c++ with python syntax,great combination to me,and it is also mature,cross platform,production ready.
Of Rust, Crystal, Julia, etc I'm most excited about Nim because of expressiveness (macros), ergonomics(simple syntax and GC), and speed (native compilation). Anxiously awaiting 1.0 so I can really commit.
I'm using Nim in production (combined with NodeJS) and I really like it. Cross-compiling is so easy. Testing is easy. Syntax is easy to read. I like it.
Can't recommend this enough: Nim is a very low-friction language with performance in the C/C++ range, also offers introspection and metaprogramming with a very powerful macro system.
Can't recommend this enough: Nim is a very low-friction language with performance in the C/C++ range, also offers introspection and metaprogramming with a very powerful macro system.
Key points for me:
- familiar, easy to read syntax
- great performance
- standalone executables / ease of deployment
- easy interfacing with C and C++ code
I would love to see its community grow and see more available libs.