SenseTime was founded by an MIT grad and has joint AI research partnership with MIT[0]. It will be interesting what this blacklist means for these kinds of collaborations.
I would like to point out that the Media lab isn't all of MIT. We do some really incredible research (LIGO, Black hole imaging, poverty research, to just name a few recent achievements). Incidentally, the media lab has a reputation within MIT as a place for often impractical ideas that never pass the demo stage. That said, the way in which a number of members of the MIT community (including outside the media lab) were associated with Epstein is troubling to say the least.
[ETA: a large number of media lab projects are still really good, as the other commenter mentioned]
An even better comparison would be with, say, the NSF. I am sure that this or that technology has been developed by NSF-funded researchers, but it would be absurd to assume that NSF-funded researchers in MIT use and promote the same things as NSF-funded researchers in Caltech because they're both affiliated with the NSF.
seem to be an interesting thing. Yes the article is of somewhat lesser quality than the MIT own, but Thank you for post it never-the-less. I'd hope they will try to open a bit their project, so technically like minded people will be able to contribute. :)
If this is research with MIT, then it would be interesting to see the IRB (Institutional Review Board) sign-off on this (assuming that they did.) This would raise a lot of red flags at most credible research institutions.
At least in this case, it seems that MIT is only tangentially related to the research. The lead researchers are from Spain and India with financing from Siemens.
This is definitely a deceptive practice. Claiming this was developed by MIT is kind of like claiming that the theory of relativity was developed by the Swiss patent office. MIT is just the place where the researchers were working. To add insult to injury, the names of the researchers are withheld until the 6th (!) paragraph of the article.
I couldn't read the paper (seemed to be missing), but has anyone else noticed that MIT seems to have big problems with open science?
I mean I have formed an association specifically with the MIT brand now, so this type of work coming out of there doesn't surprise me. I couldn't tell you exactly what has lead to this association though.
>It is expected that the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS), and the MIT Quest for Intelligence will all become part of the new College; other units may join the College.