It seems hard to believe that the rise of fentanyl could be traced to only one company/individual - could you be more specific about the person/people you're referring to?
Well by definition the illegal fentanyl isn’t coming from legal drug companies. But believing it has always been illegal fentanyl seems somewhat ahistorical. It wasn’t that long ago that Purdue Pharma, the Sackler Family, and other pharma companies settled for billions of dollars for their role in the opioid epidemic. It hasn’t always been cartels and China.
There's basically one company making all this fentanyl. We know where it is, we know where the CEO lives. He's walking around free and in the open in China.
The mass production and overperscription of opiates by Big Pharma is not in societies best interest either. Where do you think that Fentanyl came from?
I haven't heard any news regarding this incident where one person surreptitiously poisoned 112,000 people with fentanyl, which is what's implied by the responsibility in your narrative. Got a link?
Or if you're trying to imply that every person remotely related to the drug market is jointly and severely responsible for every person who dies using fentanyl, that is so far from the American conception of individual freedom and personal responsibility I don't know that there is common ground to be had.
Also as far as I can tell, very few people are setting out to deliberately do fentanyl itself. So that would point to the problem being the complete lack of otherwise standard product regulation, which also stems from prohibition.
The real reason there’s such a public outcry about Fentanyl, I’m willing to bet, is that it’s not American corporations making money off it. Nowhere else in the world that I can see is having a problem with it, and there was nowhere near the same level of concern about oxy
EDIT I read about Fentanyl nowhere other than US media, and it is made in china, and as I say nobody made so much as a peep when perdue were taking in billions
Fentanyl came in from China for years before they moved the synthesis to Mexico. I was active in online drug forums before, during, and shortly after Silk Road. So many drugs came from China and their government didn't care. It would not surprise me if they encouraged it not just because of monetary gain, but because of political objectives. I have believed since 2010 that it was a form of warfare that they could plausibly deny. So much fentanyl was coming in for so cheap, it was crazy. I don't know anything about what's going on now, but they were practically giving it away back then
The crackdown on pill mills lead to a huge increase in demand for black market opioids, which was initially met by heroin and later fent. I think criminal fent manufacturing just happened to develop in that time period but market forces can’t be ignored.
A likely explanation is that China is using the cartels to wage a 21st century opium war. (The obvious link to China being that China produces most of the chemical precursors to fentanyl, and until recently produced most of the fentanyl itself.) The average American drug user isn’t the customer; he, or rather his eventual death or disability, is the product.
Except Propofol was discovered by a Scot working for a British pharma in the 70s and Fentanyl was discovered by a Belgian working for a Belgian pharma.
I stopped checking again at this point. As a reminder your first claim was 80% of the list. I think your reliability has clearly been established at this point.
One of the favorite conspiracy theories of mine is that Fentanyl is a secret government project designed to scare the shit out of drug users so they stop using due to the fear of contamination.